OU Prof’s Provocative “Black Face” – IOTW Report

OU Prof’s Provocative “Black Face”




Boy if there’s one thing that will over ride context every time, it’s a white person darkening their skin for any purpose, i.e. “black face.”  This was proven once again by University of Oregon’s law professor Nancy Shurtz who thought she was dressing as a black doctor as in the book, “Black Man on a White Coast,” to “provoke discussion about race and societal injustice.”


20 Comments on OU Prof’s Provocative “Black Face”

  1. Don’t you love it when the left start eating their own? I bet she never saw it coming, because she’s an ultra-liberal and has never been accused of being wrong before.

  2. Why can’t she paint her face black if she wants too? Does this mean that non-white people can’t paint their faces white? Can white people still wear black clothes and can black people still wear white clothes. Are the words black and white off limits to those that do not match the word? Did she break some kind of law or something? Inquiring minds want to know!

  3. If I were a black man, I would put on white makeup, then black makeup over that, and take a stroll through a college campus. I suspect I would leave mobs of students twitching uncontrollably on the ground, and the campus police would rush in with guns drawn.

  4. It is becoming starkly obvious that to rid us of the swampholes higher education have become, they must be shut down, the faculties fired en masse, left to simmer at least a year or two, then start over with the business of teaching subjects relevant to our societal needs, like engineering, medicine, dentistry, mathematics, history, and English. all the poofyhuffyton artsy fartsy courses need to be erased and forgotten. Liberalism will die a slow painful, cancerous death, as it should.

  5. If the snowflake can’t paint her face black does that mean that the America hating progressives will call for a ban on woman donning men’s clothing and men donning woman’s clothing? “Don we now our gay apparel” will now be restricted for all queers
    and assorted goats who are not happy and carefree!

  6. I give you…..Blazing Saddles, the mostest nonPC movie of all time. And Mel Brooks did it on purpose.

    “Hey boys, look what I got here.”
    “Where de white wemmens at?”

  7. Blazing Saddles:

    “We’ll give some land to the niggers and the chinks, but we don’t want the Irish”

    I still laugh my ass off when I watch it.

    The snowflakes heads would explode if they played this on campus.

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