Our Continuing “Spotlight on Schmucks” Series – IOTW Report

Our Continuing “Spotlight on Schmucks” Series

Here’s a schmuck—> strothotte_530x220

Professor of Computer Science Thomas Strothotte – Germany

A senior German educator has called for all pupils in the country to be forced to study Arabic until they graduate in the interests of the multicultural state.


Professor of Computer Science Thomas Strothotte and President of a private Hamburg university has argued that German children should be forced to learn Arabic alongside German so they would better understand the country’s 1.5 million new migrants and make them feel more welcome. He said it would help Germany become “a country of immigration, and a multilingual society”.

Some have called for newly arrived migrants to be taught about European norms, culture, and language, but professor Strothotte has suggested teaching Germans Arabic instead will “strengthen integration”, reports Die Welt.


19 Comments on Our Continuing “Spotlight on Schmucks” Series

  1. What is up with the Krauts? It’s like they have a death wish. All I can say is Herr Schmuck you first if you love the damned muzzies so much. Keep the rest of us German and American and everyone else out of it. Multiculturalism is BS pure and simple whether it’s here or anywhere else.

  2. Ahhh, Mr Perfesser…there’s a real good reason that English is the universal technical language…. and trust me when I tell ya, it ain’t cuz a bunch of Mindless Murdering Muzlim fux invented ANYTHING!!!

  3. How about the moslims learning German? Or better yet keep Germany for Germans and Syria for Syrians.

    Multiculturalism is just a dog whistle for destroying white societies. Why aren’t flocks of whites vacationing on the beaches in Saudi Arabia looking for a great real estate deal? Or why aren’t hoards of whites descending on Honduras or Yemen? You know as well as me, WhoTF wants to? Why would any sane white person favor a non white culture?

    Why is the work and sweat and sacrifices of our ancestors worth so little that we dilute it with moslim filth or 3rd world immigrants, both of whom have absolutely no interest in our culture other then to get on the goodie train and overwhelm it. WTF is so GD fucking essential to my life here that it will be enhanced with 100s of 1,000s of people that hate my values? Why do I have to live with people that have no problem dropping loaded diapers under a bench or walking into a retirement home & opening up with AKs?

    Yeah people like this guy are worse then the filth they demand I live with-fuck him with a rake.

  4. I think I’d like to know a little Arabic, ya know, just enough to say in their own tongue, “Eat pig shit and die, you filthy fuckers of boys, girls, and goats; and may you and your fellow barbaric believers and your perverted prophet rot in hell for eternity.”

  5. Be much easier to make Goat then national food so they can have a plentiful supply to rape and then sell to the neighboring village . All this to make them feel right at home.

    Of course a shorter route would entail arming everyone including the children thereby hastening the prospect of war and strife which always follows Allah’s er Satan’s worshipers.

  6. Greetings!
    He should learn to speak English correctly. He’s one of those pseudo intellectuals who knows everrything but can’t communicate wjhat he knows! Neither in Englsh nor in German! Computer science deals with logic. His statement is anything but logical!


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