Our Current Leftwing Media Covering the 1936 Olympics – IOTW Report

Our Current Leftwing Media Covering the 1936 Olympics

The Peoples Cube-

Eva Braun stuns, fascinates at Berlin Olympics

8 Comments on Our Current Leftwing Media Covering the 1936 Olympics

  1. I have made many references to the FACT that w/o the support of the American and western European progressive movement during the National Socialists rise in stature and throughout their consolidation of power that Hitler would never have realized his ambitions. The progressive movement supported the National Socialists both financially and in their contemporary literature. Documentation is available for any and all to examine, yet this fact is denied and worse, history has been rewritten and what is taught is not only not consistent with the facts, it is hostile to the facts

  2. Actually, that’s not very different from how American papers (I’m looking at you, NYT!) covered the Nazis, at the time.

    He *was* Time Magazine’s Man of the Year in 1938, after all.

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