Our Government Has No Idea What Is Going On With Visa Overstays – IOTW Report

Our Government Has No Idea What Is Going On With Visa Overstays

Be afraid.

Oh, and Trump is exactly friggin right. This sh..tuff has to end until we get competence back in DC.

Gowdy has an equally frustrating time with this completely useless government bint HERE.

24 Comments on Our Government Has No Idea What Is Going On With Visa Overstays

  1. All I heard out of this chick’s wang mouth was:

    I just collect a check every two weeks and go drinking with my girlfriends every weekend in DC. So, could you subpoena my boss?

  2. I assume that the incompetence of the DHS is astounding and the that direct answers to the questions would be damaging, so the Secretary sent a know-nothing underling in order to prepare for “real” hearing. Now that DHS knows what Congress wants, they still will not provide the information requested, but they will have a better idea of how to stonewall the actual questioning.

    If government bureaucrats were half as good at their primary functions as they are at stonewalling, our agencies would work better.

  3. Honestly, this is inventory 101. After this many years with computers, how tough is it to set up a simple system that keeps track of people with Visas that come in, people that leave and cough up a list every month of those who didn’t leave when they were supposed to and provide performance metrics on the process???
    Not only that, but set up a threshold that when the number of violations crosses the limit, shut down the people coming in!
    Perish the thought that we might actually limit the number coming in because of statistics!!!

  4. The problem with the progtards is that to us, these are G-d given rights and they’re atheists or are those who are intellectual superior to those of us who believe (you know, Jesuits);we are therefore incapable of rational thought and not to be trusted with little things like constitutional rights (or firearms).

  5. There’s no downside to being a fuck up. Not only are nepotism and affirmative action rampant, but the pressure to hire mental defectives and lazy, worthless assholes is tremendous. The “Human Resources Divisions” are peopled by worthless, mental defectives, and they tend to hire from demographics similar to themselves. And then, they can’t be fired for how much, or how often they fuck up. About the only way to fire one is if it gets caught stealing, and the boss doesn’t say “I lent it to him/her.”

    No accountability, no responsibility. At any strata.

  6. Our Government Has No Idea What Is Going On With Visa Overstays, or Anything Else For That Matter Except Perhaps How To Cover Their Asses, Deposit Their Paychecks, And Use Govt Credit Cards To Pay For Hookers And Blow


  7. Why rant about immigration being one of the Constitutionally mandated functions of government? Fact is government fucks everything up.

    Still to see that display of incompetence is very sobering.

    You can extrapolate that and from outright lies about unemployment date to lies of omission from IRS bureaucrats to fudging classified security information to suit your policy objectives to affirmative action hire traffic controllers!!! to the EPA poisoning 100s of miles of mountain rivers, it all boils down to exactly what Tim said, there is no accountability.

  8. Man, we could be making money hand over fist on this one.
    Have each Visa entered into a database and only way to close the Visa is to either report to an exit guard station or validate a boarding pass at the Gate.
    If the listed time goes by and no Boarding Pass Validation, an automatic call goes out to the Uber type deportation Companies to bid on redaction of Visa Overstayers.
    Private Contractors make a hefty fee for rounding up overstayers and get them to the border guard who fling them over the fence or whatever.
    But those same Contractors pay hefty licensing fees, and must have military style redaction teams in case these Overstayers are crabby.
    Also there’s a monetary incentive plan. An active database that lets people search for Visa Overstayers in their area and earn a quick fifty bucks for reporting some asshole who won’t play by the rules and go the Home when they’re supposed to.

  9. I am tired of the niceness. Call her a bint right then and there and send her ass out the door. Then compel the director to get his ass in the chair. And, there are too many damn assistant directors of nothing.

  10. I could see the reaction to that question –
    “How much was your bonus this year?”
    “I’m sorry, but that’s none of your business”
    “Who pays your salary?”
    “The government”
    “You mean the tax-payer”
    “No, the government”
    “That would be the tax-payer dear and the tax-payer deserves to know how his money is spent”
    “What about her money”
    “Whose money?”
    “Women pay taxes too!”
    Rubs temples and sez: “Ok, I give. Whatever you got it would have been more if you actually knew something! I yield”

  11. Maybe there was a little bit when everyone ran like hell from the British, and then the redcoats burned down the place. What was that, like summer of 1814?

    Since then… not a lot.

  12. She’s a professional bureaucrat.

    Someone once said that if you could stop the clocks in all the government buildings in DC, the people are such blindly stupid sheeple, they would likely starve, waiting for 430 pm. Fridays excepted, of course.

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