Our Leftwing Press is Pravda – IOTW Report

Our Leftwing Press is Pravda

The leftwing press claims the president is conducting campaign speeches at coronavirus briefings while they work feverishly to end his administration, which is actually an overt campaign speech, of sorts, for the president’s opposition.

MSNBC cut away from the the latest briefing, whining that it wasn’t what it was supposed to be-> the coronavirus task force providing medical information.

Well, no, that’s not what the briefings are supposed to be. It wouldn’t take very long, or that many people, to say, “there is no vaccine, don’t let anyone cough in your face. Play more Yahtzee for a few weeks.”

The briefings are to include any information that can aid and comfort the American public, as well as the world.

So when the press sits in their own self-satisfied fart cloud, and lobs falsehood after falsehood, not merely asking questions, but providing negative soliloquies with a question attached at the end, this creates discomfort and anxiety in society. It is well within the president’s duty to put together a video that shames the press and corrects the record, and one that should be shown at a task force briefing for the good of the world.

Look at what the Guardian slapped together-

Here is CNN’s input.

Here is what they wouldn’t show. Trump, Coronavirus Task Force hold White House briefing | 4/13/20

16 Comments on Our Leftwing Press is Pravda

  1. All PRESIDENT Trump did today was hold up the crucifix to the demon horde and the evil bitches went scrambling and shreiking to the nearest flock of pigs. It was DELISH to watch!

  2. It’s time and past time for We The People to demand C,N & N’s FCC license gets yanked. They are really much worse than Pravda. And the damage they are doing to America’s morale is unconscionable; worse than anything Tokyo Rose did to our troops. I can’t believe those chryons (or however it’s spelled). Truly horrific lies. This cannot stand.

    CNN Corporate:
    The CNN corporate office phone number is 404-827-1700 or you can fax them at 404-827-2600. The customer service number for CNN’s Washington D.C. bureau is 202-898-7900. … The main press office contact phone number for CNN’s New York office is 212-275-8030. The main contact phone number for CNN’s United Kingdom Bureau is in London and can be reached at +44 207 693 0939.

    Put the applicable numbers on your phone and call them every day. Every time you get angry about the media, call them first, then let off steam here.

    Whenever I reach a real person when I’m doing these calls, I like to begin with, “Is it really true that CNN did _________?” It makes them confirm what I just told them.

  3. …you know, if we acually enforced election laws and campaign finance laws, a lot of these folks would be in jail for a LONG time because this is ALL a VERY illegal, MASSIVE, aid-in-kind donation to the Democrat Party…

  4. The Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee Pad Media!
    I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one who is thoroughly disgusted with a good President having to defend himself against the outright lies of these jackals WITH THEIR OWN RECORDINGS!! I’m just fed up with it!

    SNS – Yes, we need to put some teeth into enforcement of the laws we have. Without enforcement, laws mean nothing. We’ve seen democRATz prove that time and again! In fact, they depend on it!

  5. People are going to believe what they want to believe in accordance with their worldview without using truth, facts, and the reality of the observable world around them to validate it.

    It’s the base nature of man to do so, and very few rise above that base nature even when called on to do so.

  6. Former TV reality show host, indeed. The media churns up an ocean of drama and is furious that Trump is backstroking in it. Again. Maybe if we get back to normal, the daily briefings will go away. How about that, journos? What do you really want?

  7. Actually, Pravda provided more real news than CNN.
    (I’ve heard it said, I can’t read Russian)

    Sort of like having to go to BBC to find out what’s happening outside of DC.

    Can’t get “news” anymore – even the local paper spouts BS about loans being “forgiven” – when any sentient being know that loans aren’t “forgiven” – they’re nationalized.

    Madmen leading the Willfully Blind.
    (not a recipe for success)

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Trump just put in their faces a fraction of the media evidence that they are the ones constructing a false narrative and if Schiff for brains wants a new investigation get ready for it to explode in the dems faces. Of course low info morons that don’t watch for themselves and allow CNN and MSNBC etc to interpret for them are just lost causes anyway.

  9. SUPER
    ” MASSIVE, aid-in-kind donation to the Democrat Party…” No one really cares!

    Probably has been done for over 100 years. For sur it has been the MSM/Press SOP for 70 years; I personally know


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