Our President Is a Good Man – IOTW Report

Our President Is a Good Man

A woman releases her phone call with Trump, one that he made after her husband was taken in service to our nation.

18 Comments on Our President Is a Good Man

  1. What a great call. I want to hear anyone claim President Trump is a racist after listening to that call. Also, that family is just amazing. They truly embody what America and a strong family is all about.
    God bless them all.

  2. Basically what that cowboy hat asshole representative is implying is that President Trump called the family to taunt them, and I don’t believe for one millisecond that was ever Mr. Trump’s intention. And the lying media is going with that, turning this into a controversy, unnecessarily.

  3. The Congresswoman exemplifies Chris Rock’s skit about the two kinds of Black People. Her being the kind that’s ‘got to go’

    Mr. Trump is a good man. This kind of crap is is the lowest

  4. That was an amazing call–for instance he picked up on the fact that her son is on an academic scholarship and not a football scholarship. I totally. missed that point and I was reading the subtitles! Thank you Mr. President for taking the time to do this and to learn about these heroes.

  5. This lady represents “real” Army wives who know full well their Husband’s dedication to the US, the Army and the risks they take to be the best.
    God Bless her and her family.

  6. Here’s that loon Wilson’s home # 305-690-83XX
    Cell# 305-318-79XX

    Let that POS know your thoughts!

    Sorry, I had to edit this number because I have no idea if it’s authentic or not.
    Please understand that if someone innocent gets harassed it could be traced back to this site and I would be on the hook.

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