Our Readers Walk the Walk – IOTW Report

Our Readers Walk the Walk

On Sunday my city was part of a Black Lives Matter protest in the center of town.

Because of the nationwide protests, and the ANTIFA threats that preceded this protest, I volunteered (with approximately 75 others) to put my money where my mouth is.  I stood sentry in front of the courthouse with my long gun and bear spray.  We accomplished this with 100% law enforcement approval.

Knowing you have a target on your back is an interesting feeling. 
Nothing negative happened to the event participants or to any in my
group.  On the contrary.  The locals thanked us and gave us bottled
water and great words of support.  It was an uplifting experience, and
probably one of the proudest days of my life; serving my community in a
time of very high stress within the country.

Overall, I estimated that there was between 300-400 participants in the
rally in a town comprising of 9,500 residents.

A douchebag photographer asked me if I wanted to have a photo taken in front of a large TRUMP 2020 banner.

Telling the photographer “negative, sir” pissed him off.

We stood watch for approximately 4 hours.

-A Reader

25 Comments on Our Readers Walk the Walk

  1. Well done, Tsunami! I will be on a two hour watch tonight at an unnamed historical house near my home. Last night, vandals have painted “Fuck Trump” on a war memorial near this house. Members of my organization have stood this watch last week also and we will probably continue until the threat decreases. Most police departments are subject to the whims of the liberal mayors and their cronies and therefore, unreliable.

  2. The protesters were cool and there was only one suspicious character sitting in his truck with a laptop typing – like he was sizing up the opposition. We handled it.

    All in all I think we got the message across that my town isn’t to be messed with.

    Many MANY locals thanked me in person, and I’ve only been there for 2 years. They knew me from my place of employment.

    Like it or not, I think the point should be made that we are at war. It’s between good and evil. It just hasn’t gone kinetic yet.

    Let’s hope I’m wrong.

  3. You are NOT wrong about this being a war, you are just one of the few brave enough not only to say it but to back it up with ACTIONS!

    My wife grew up in Chicago and still has many friends that live there. She has been in constant contact with them because her family came from one of the poorest neighborhoods in the south side and from the daily updates she has learned things that you NEVER see on the TEE-VEE.

    One of the strangest things that has happened is that the street gangs in some of the hardest hits areas have taken it upon themselves to police their turf in cooperation with chicago PD!

    She has been told of many examples of gangbangers stopping cold the rioters trying to destroy their hood and the police not only have allowed it, they encourage it!

    It is truely amazing to see the gangs that used to hate each other working together to end the destruction and handing out ass-whoopings to those that need it while the local police turn a blind eye to the pantifa losers getting a beatdown.

    It does not matter where you live when the rampaging anti-americans come to burn down your home and neighborhood because it is time to nut-up or shut-up and at least in chicago’s south side the black & brown gangs have said “enough”.

  4. We had a protest last week in my city. In front of where my wife works, I sat in my truck in the employee parking lot for the duration since the cops wouldn’t. Nothing happened to their cars.

  5. Nicely done, Sir. I would do the same if the need arises in my community.

    If and when the rioters decide to invade suburbia (Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills doesn’t count IMO) we should think seriously about organizing Civil Protection Corps in our neighborhoods.

    Did you have a round chambered at the time, ready to fire? I’m just wondering about that in case I have to do something similar.

    I think the rioting will die down eventually but what is more threatening is “Defund the Police”. This will force vigilantism on us.

  6. I don’t get it. Why was your little town chosen by Antifa in the first place? My town is the same size……nothing. Less than nothing.

    Are you close to a big city?

  7. Antifa didn’t make their presence known.

    All that showed up was a few bussed-in self-loathing protesters to stir the pot and persuade the local sheep to apologize for being the color that God made them.

    Picture in your mind hundreds on their knees crying and asking for forgiveness – from a communist / Marxist Soros-funded front group that doesn’t give two-shits about “black lives”.

    Made me want to puke.

    This is the product of the educational system starting with kindergarten indoctrination and the technological boom babysitters (smartphones).

    Satan tempted Eve with the Apple and Apple did the same to our children.


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