Our Response to the Current Planned Destruction of America – IOTW Report

Our Response to the Current Planned Destruction of America

Is the left trying to provoke unrest, so they can impose MARTIAL LAW? It’s very disturbing, because it seems so plausible.”

How can one resist the garbage that’s being imposed on us now WITHOUT provoking martial law? Walking the fine line between abject compliance and outright violent rebellion?

I have been seeing these types of comments bandied about on the internet and I’d like to know what you think. I do not believe this is the only way to stop the tyrannical march that has been coming to a head these last few months. It may be, but I still hold out hope that there are things that are being done behind the scenes that I know nothing about.

I do believe the left wants us to react violently so they can say, “See? This is why we need to take their guns!” and half the nation will agree. Or, they may just skip that and call for the UN to come and suppress (KILL) any response by patriots. If the unrest that they are trying to provoke does happen – if it is not massive and decisive, they WILL get what they want.

But I am praying, if it is God’s will that we fight back this way (we have tried for decades to do it within the system and it hasn’t worked [President Trump can’t even seem to drain the swamp by himself]), we need to make it a hard and coordinated strike. I don’t know what that means, but God does (and maybe some of you do, too). I know that we have many patriots who will come to the aid of our country.

We have all been hearing the statements that we should let it all burn down and start over, or that we will engage in a firefight if ‘they’ come for our guns, but much of this talk seems to be just blowing off steam. I do know that we have several readers that WILL follow through with their claims. Those of you who would follow through, will you stand alone or join forces?

Will we continue to work within the system, keep working to elect true conservatives, contact our local/state/federal government, protest peacefully – OR – do we fight (and how would we do that)?

That’s your topic. Discuss.

73 Comments on Our Response to the Current Planned Destruction of America

  1. I am also wondering/waiting when that spark will occur, what will it take before enough of us are willing to say enough is enough…….I pray that He will provide that someone to lead…… could it be you? . Thank you for expressing what I’m sure millions are feeling

  2. Even if the courts side w citizens from time to time, it’s simply not enough to stop the repeated abuses and usurpation’s. The left won’t stop. And like the saying goes, “Evil persists because good men do nothing.” There’s simply no other way to right these wrongs.

  3. Some poor bastard destroyed by this will pop off and shoot up somewhere and it will be “The final straw” Then its Marshall Law while they go door to door

  4. I wouldnt worry too much about UN peacekeepers. They didnt lift a finger to stop people armed with machetes from hacking a million of their countrymen to pieces in Rwanda

    They just stood around with their fingers up their twats and looked preciously concerned

  5. “When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.”

  6. @Claudia — Anyone with good judgment who is actually contemplating an “outside the system” response would not discuss their inclinations, intentions, or plans on a public forum such as this one.

  7. If the guilty politicians voluntarily step down, and agree – as an act of good faith – to go willingly to the gallows – this MIGHT stop the coming storm… 🤔

  8. Uncle Al
    I always like to look at these things in terms of percentages. Percent of people being oppressed, etc. This is off the charts. Imagine LA in the middle of a heat wave. It probably won’t be a conservative that starts something stupid. Infact conservatives may not get involved.

  9. @Uncle Al–

    You are quite right. And no place is free from its lurking “spooks”. Nevertheless, there is a certain amount of useful conversation that can happen.

    I won’t be looking for any kind of rebellion blueprint or how-to revolution manual on any website or blog. What is valuable is the opportunity to gauge just how fed-up people are. And trying to discern what amount of that is just blowing off steam and what amount might indicate serious personal decisions.

    Ultimately, we all have to decide for ourselves what we will do. I’m already taking steps. Small steps, but those lead to others.

  10. There is a way to send a strong message without all out violence. But, as Uncle Al says, it isn’t prudent to discuss, advocate, reveal or share “outside the system” strategies or intentions lest one be labeled a criminal of some sort. For the time being let’s just keep those listening to the drumbeat of the tyrannical march guessing for the time being. Surprises are always exciting for the recipient. And, anticipation can be stimulating in a number of ways.

  11. I am armed and I will protect my Liberty and family to the death. I told my wife a week before the protests started that this is going to start to end because people are waking up. And I told her before the Michigan protests that people will be killed because of what the government/police are doing, it is not the law abiding gun owners.

    I don’t know if we will get to that point, I hope we don’t. But if we do, I will first protect my own, then I may help others, but I may have a litmus test like the government is trying to implement with the testing and tracking. If you have voted blue, you will go to the bottom of my list of people to help. And sadly, that for me, will include many family and friends.

    But we reap what we sow don’t we? I’m not old (contrary to what my daughter thinks) but I am not young. I am not going to live a life that people that think they are my betters think I should live. And if they come with force to try to make me, if my words won’t convince them they are wrong, I will act according to their actions.

    God bless you all.

  12. @Brad, in a heat wave in a lockdown, and the power goes out. Then we see how fast things will come apart.
    And I would hate to be in Stockton
    Especially on the fourth day

  13. Well – follow the old Boy Scout Motto – Be Prepared!
    “Be prepared for what? Why, for any old thing.”
    – Robert Baden-Powell, Founder of the Boy Scouts
    Emphasis on ANY OLD THING…
    So – Do what he says and don’t get caught flatfooted.

  14. A false flag mass shooting is on the horizon because the left needs to pile on now that states are easing up on lockdowns.Especially if the DOJ starts returning indictments.

  15. An unreported act of civil disobedience happened just now in my small town in Virginia. People ordered food, sat down and ate it.
    Silly people wearing masks appeared and took their carryout, but many of us took a good, healthy, bowl filling Northam, washed our hands and went out to dinner.

    I told a husband and wife, with an infant and 3 small kids, a fine looking family, that it was refreshing to see such a family out behaving as Americans. They laughed and replied, “isn’t it great?”

    There will be no need for bullets to be flying just yet. If everyone pushes back a little day by day, this will pass.
    This is a tempest in a teapot.

    Virginia byways were filled today with motorcycles, classic cars, convertibles. Highest volume between Spotsylvania and Hanover I have seen in months.

    Northam may delude himself that he’s in charge. He isn’t by a long shot.

  16. Poor Lazlo

    I think there’s more counties and cities in California that have told Newsom to Fuck Off than counties and cities that are complying.
    Stockton, Fresno, Sutter County, Yuba County, Butte County are tapping out of the craziness. And that’s just from today. But that still leaves Nazi Occupied L.A. county. Or ground zero if you will.

  17. P.S.
    Claudia, that image is a recreational firearm. Fine for bird hunting.
    Buy something with much longer range and capacity. Ya’ know…. for any old thing…

  18. I think a Renaissance of the Bindi of India; a red or green dot on the forehead is quite a statement. 🙄 Leftists first. Technological advances have made it unnecessary to use paint!

  19. I’m not seeing a false flag. A true false flag in this situation would need to be perpetrated against LE. They would need to haul in some CIA spooks for that. LOL.

    Ammo’s in short supply. It’s going to get a lot worse as the distributors are out. Whats at your gun and ammo stores currently maybe it for a while. Buy accordingly.

  20. @Mr. Hector Murmansk,esq May 15, 2020 at 6:15 pm

    > If Trump wins a second term, the left may well start the fire. Let them, which gives us a good reason to bring out the guns.

    Cuz. Like. You know. We’ve never had a reason, before. Nyhuhuhuhuh.

  21. @Uncle Al May 15, 2020 at 6:27 pm

    > Anyone with good judgment who is actually contemplating an “outside the system” response would not discuss their inclinations, intentions, or plans on a public forum such as this one.

    Fear not, loyal citizen! Everyone with the, actual, comprehension of an “outside the system” response, has no interest in monetizing it for the masses.

  22. @Extirpates May 15, 2020 at 6:51 pm

    > The dimwits war is against the economy, which necessarily involves the well being of citizens. We are collateral damage to left wing scum.

    Your potential beardy overlords had no interest in destroying the village, to save the village. Your (yes, you, laddie!) collective response was, “No thanks. I’m good on ‘my’ sofa.”

    First come, first served, “patriots”. Tick-to… oh, my! Is it that late, already?

  23. @PHenry May 15, 2020 at 7:33 pm

    > There will be no need for bullets to be flying just yet. If everyone pushes back a little day by day, this will pass.

    It shall not pass (shouted in my no homo Gandalf voice). You gerbiling groveling cuck!

    If you give the mugger your “throw away wallet”. With the cash you’re willing to give him, to go away. He will never go away!

    Are you merely claiming to be stupid enough, to believe the noises you burp? Or are you claiming that you’d actually believe that story, if somebody told it to you?

  24. Economic ruin + middle class destruction + widespread gov’t dependence + universal basic income = social equality (socialism).

    Unrest and collateral damage are acceptable consequences, they think.

  25. Although I do have blissful dreams of a hot brass deathbed. I’ll wait until the courts open and send salvos of civil rights infringement suit rounds against all the state elected and appointed autocrats. At present, in my area, there is not a sheriff or district attorney willing to do anything counter constitutional. My health secretary, tranny nanny, is under investigation for nursing home maleficence. I truly believe there is no one ready, much less enthused to vote for a democrat at the moment. But, ya the brass bed is always a ready option … PS: all that has happened had nothing to do with keeping people from getting sick … 2-cents

  26. @PHenry

    Still an “if”. You know the Democrats have a lot of dead voters. They will cheat and lie and kill to get Trump out.

    I want him to win as much as anyone.

  27. The left has been on this path since Woodrow Wilson, who started the ball rolling. They proceed to slowly chip away at our civil liberties.
    No matter how long it takes, as long as they get the desired outcome.

  28. Claudia, I am with you. I pray everyday that this country will always follow the Constitution and the founding fathers that fought so hard to have the structure and laws we have for the people. I’m very concerned but don’t be afraid. God tells us in the bible many, many times, DO NOT BE AFRAID. I’m trying so hard to understand it all. After all the mishaps I’ve had in my life, I am not going to have anyone take us down. Especially a virus!!!

    God Bless us all!!!!

  29. @Anon

    “Cuz. Like. You know. We’ve never had a reason, before. Nyhuhuhuhuh.”

    I didn’t say we didn’t have reasons. We have a lot of them.

    But let you fire the first round then. Pick a target, get him/her in your sights, squeeze off a round, and hope you start the fire. If you want to get the civil war going, it might be a good idea to at least get the local police to line up behind you, or have some assurance that the military is ready to fight on our side.

    Otherwise you’ll get arrested for murder. You don’t want that. What’s more, you will fail in starting the revolution.

    So far, judging from what has occurred in Michigan and other places, the police are mostly lickspittles to the government power.

  30. Hi C,
    The only thing I can offer right now, tonight, is some Beethoven’s 9th lovin’, it ends with an Ode to Joy.

    I am not sure when the ‘Ode to Joy’ comes to us as a country? But I do know that good will win, I am convinced of this, what the sacrifices will be in getting there? I am not sure of?

    My fave part is the second movement, starts @015:00.


    This piece reminds me of what we are going through right now.

    There is a sense of REAL hope and victory in the 9th. From the very highs to the lows and everything in between.

    Especially those dam oboes…


  31. Lots of Dems have guns…and we know how to use them, unlike most of the wackjob Repubes who carry them around to make up for their dick being small.

  32. Everyone should just carry on as before, businesses included. Ignore the bluster, some of us will be arrested or threatened but they can’t arrest all of us. Do like the Muslims do, ignore it all. I do and have since the start of this BS. Guns and violence is not the answer….yet

  33. @Bad_Brad- Ode to enjoy yourself and fire a couple for us(a) iOTWers…

    How bout’ a single shot .54? Ba boom. I was gifted one from 1863 (non US CV), a Peabody, an antique and on the mantel now, and then fired a modern one last year, up ‘at the ADK bunker’. Very loud…

    Enjoy YOUR liberties bro.


  34. TimBuktu, I’ve made mistakes but when I say mishaps, I mean I was run over by a bus when I was 15 and then in a head on car crash when I was 22. I will be damned if touching my face is going to kill me with this virus. Enough is enough. Time to move on and get busy and go to work. I will admit I want my mother who is 78 to be safe but I do drop off food to to her and movies to watch!! Time to move on and pray everyday!!!!

    God Bless us all!!

  35. It is never time and it is always too late.

    I have been invited to join, and have observed militia formations. I have discussed armed resistance with others. I have not met a group with whom I would be willing to make common cause yet. This is the problem we face, these are too extreme, those are too drunk the others are too young or too old. No command structure or dictatorial, etc. etc. etc.

    It is never time, and it is always too late.

    The key to all of it is ‘Never let the government take your firearms of any kind at any time.’ That way, when it comes time you’ll at least have that.

  36. Beethoven’s second movement starts at 015:00?

    That more or less coincides when BB will be at the range I reckon. In military time, that’s close enough by a couple of hours, minus the three hour difference and all, that you guys have.

    Slaughter the trolls, orcs, ZOMBIES and imps, as necessary of course. That is called the new norm of ‘learning how to code’.

  37. Ghost
    I went last Sunday for the first time since being done with Chemo and Radiation. Real weak. Shooting and moving with the crew. And the crew cuts you no slack no matter.

  38. I’m with Walter Johnson. ” I have not met a group with whom I would be willing to make common cause yet.”

    Damn straight. If you can’t trust them in peacetime, the hell would you go to wah with them? Half the gun totin’ monkey’s I’ve run across seem to be overcompensating for something.

    I’d go to wah with some of the guys from the motorcycle club. Not all of them. (Little known fact, it’s rare to find a club full of people who actually like each other. It’s more like a mutually beneficial business group)

    But yeah, I’m not an Army of one. Our ability to consolidate while putting aside differences pretty much sucks.

    We need to start a summer camp or something.

  39. @Mithrindir – you missed a great post and interchange with @Sns and I earlier, he posted a RARITY which nailed it.

    When orcs meet men, and hobbits get away, for another day…to save the day. Who is who these daze?? Who are the Boromirs vs the Aragorns? The white hats vs the black hats, as usual in time, vis a vis JRRT.


  40. Penny MAY 15, 2020 AT 9:02 PM

    Start by clipping a few of the most visible elitists.

    I suggest starting with the elites of the Enemedia.

    Two birds with one stone. Shut their lying mouths for them if they can’t manage it themselves.

  41. You can’t organize a “revolution” without discussing it.
    Pretty fucking dumb, huh?

    You can’t take on the US Armed Forces without … what?
    That bullshit about using torches and pitchforks against armor, artillery, and high explosives is pathetic. Gandhi succeeded against the British – picture him against Stalinist Soviet Union. Look at The White Rose. The Peasants’ Revolt.
    The Demonrats are more akin to Stalinism and Hitlerism than Americanism.

    Don’t let the moniker fool you – there’s NOTHING democratic about them.
    As if the “People’s Democratic Republics” had anything to do with “People!”
    Get serious.
    The FBI, CIA, and NSA morphed into Gestapo (Secret State Police) years (if not decades) ago – and are willing to defy the Constitution, the American People, and the Armed Forces if they must.

    ALL of them will kill you without so much as a shrug.
    Obola even armed the IRS and PO.
    Think it’s a fuckin joke?

    There must be enough who will honor their Oath, else all is lost.

    Yeah, I know, Anonymous will bring up all those successful revolts that he (she?) can’t identify as proof of impending victory.
    Good luck widdat.

    izlamo delenda est …

  42. @Tim May 16, 2020 at 8:47 am

    There must be enough who will honor their Oath, else all is lost.

    Freedom’s just another word, for nothin’ left to lose.

    Smell that? Smell’s like, freedom!


    Oh. I’m sorry. You only smell the unicorn farts. Well. You just huff on those. Since they make you happy.

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