Our Silence and Compliance Becomes Our Consent To Be Ruled – IOTW Report

Our Silence and Compliance Becomes Our Consent To Be Ruled

Great video (1.5 hours) regarding the US Constitution and unlawful laws that we are empowered by the Constitution to not follow. Not only are we to not follow them, we need to bring our power, as the head of our government, to bear to reject those laws and remove those who try to ‘rule’ us.

The song at the end is worth listening to.

6 Comments on Our Silence and Compliance Becomes Our Consent To Be Ruled

  1. Even with the specter of slavery and all the rancor and divisiveness that came with it, the country in 1861 still felt compelled to fight a war to preserve the union. No such compulsion exists today, the differences are too great and the hatred and animosity too pronounced.

    Since both sides view the other as the real enemies of democracy and the impediment of a possible accommodation to preserve any semblance of unity, I don’t see either side willing to live with the other.

    This has happened many times in history; The Baltic states, the former Soviet Union, East and West Germany, the Ottoman Empire, peoples in the pursuit of autonomy from their neighbors.

    I wish it were not so and I do not know how things will ultimately shake out but when one side values the Constitution and the other size doesn’t, a separation will result, one way or the other.

  2. This brings to mind: “The marvel of all history is the patience with which men and women submit to burdens unnecessarily laid upon them by their governments.” – George Washington

  3. @Rich Taylor February 10, 2022 at 9:32 pm

    > I wish it were not so and I do not know how things will ultimately shake out but when one side values the Constitution and the other size doesn’t, a separation will result, one way or the other.

    The two options. Offered by the same demon.

    Preach on, preacher. Preach on.

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