“Out of an abundance of caution” Trump headed to Walter Reed Medical Center as precaution for COVID-19 – IOTW Report

“Out of an abundance of caution” Trump headed to Walter Reed Medical Center as precaution for COVID-19

UPDATE: Trump speaks via Twitter.

“Out of an abundance of caution, and at the recommendation of his physician and medical experts, the President will be working from the presidential offices at Walter Reed for the next few days,” White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said in a statement late Friday afternoon.

The president “remains in good spirts, has mild symptoms, and has been working throughout the day,” she added.


h/t Dee for the Twitter video.

43 Comments on “Out of an abundance of caution” Trump headed to Walter Reed Medical Center as precaution for COVID-19

  1. @Brad
    My question exactly. All of a sudden the WH is hit? The left / Deep State has wanted to infect POTUS for a long time. I put nothing beyond their slimy fingers.

  2. OK look. He’s POTUS. This is what they do, and they’re going to treat him like a Faberge Egg.
    He is going to be annoyed as fuck because every time Trump blinks they’re gonna rush in like- “I HEARD A NOISE, YOU OKAY?!” lol.

    And no surprise he canceled the virtual rally. People have to run the equipment with him in the room. That’s not allowed. He doesn’t do stuff from his laptop like a blogger.

  3. Famotidine is a new one in Covid-19 treatment for me. It replaced Ranitidine when it was pulled from shelves. I wonder why he is not getting HydroxyCQ and Z-pack which have been proven to work.

  4. @Brad
    I’m with you-feeling very suspicious over what is going on. COVID is on the down slope of cases all over the country and after all this time GOP’ers surrounding Trump are suddenly getting it within minutes of each other.

    Did the Deep State pipe it into the green room prior to the debate?

  5. Such interesting times we live in…

    “Prayers and best wishes to Our President and First Lady.

    Also pray it was accidental.” – THIS @pianamusic.

    There are trillions at stake and prison sentences ahead, so be surprised…at NOTHING moving forward…

  6. He was on Hydroxy for preventative a while ago.
    I read the new stuff is quicker and stronger. It’s the antibody version.
    Famotidine is for upset stomach, nausea and heartburn. (flu gives some people nausea)
    when I have an allergic reaction to food, I take one with an antihistamine.

  7. ‘Q’ should know….why not ask ‘Q’?…..I had some sort of shit in early January…..It’s the fucking flu!….people get the fucking flu. This is a particularly violent flu, maybe. He’s getting the BEST medical treatment known to man at Walter Reed pretty soon……FUCK, IKE had heart attacks and Reagon got shot, both survived….JFK got shot too, but that probably wasn’t survivable or so they say….ask ‘Q’….

  8. COVID can be ingested just like the Enterovirus family. And, like the Enteroviruses, it takes up in your gastrointestinal tract for up to 30 days. It spreads to other parts of the body from there. If his first symptoms were in his gut, he ate it.

  9. I have mixed feelings about this, but like MJA wrote it’s probably just precautionary measures,
    Whatever, thoughts and prayers and you take care of you President Trump, we love you. 🕊️❤️🙏

  10. My Dad had non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma twice. Once when he was 56 and again at 67. He’s 90 now. It was treatable back then and very treatable now. Very sad though but there are many reasons to be positive about his outcome. 🙏🤞

  11. POTUS’ antibodies will make one kick add vaccine! See, thinking positive. 👍👍

    (Thanks MJA, yes, I’m very lucky to still have Dad here. He still gets a yearly check up. His dr who saved him twice is going to retire next year. He has a well known cancer treatment center in Columbus now.)

  12. …there were a LOT of TV Production people at the obviously rigged debate that had access to FLOTUS and POTUS, as well as every microphone POTUS used and every seat POTUS sat in.

    And they’re all rabid Democrats.

    Just sayin’.

  13. ‘Rat activists (media tonight) have already built the infrastructure for a Biden high road. ABC with the reflux-induced anchor, all but ‘sainted’ Biden’s outreach. And Ms. Pelosi…. you’re really stretching yourself when you appropriate the word ‘prayer’ when you say Pres Trump just flagrantly disregarded the virus you weathered old pig. And speaking about farm animals, why no outreach by Moose and Little Squirrel..The Soetoros?

  14. I turned on the local radio station owned by a leftist family a few hours ago, and good lord these people were over the top with the deathbed drama. Not a one of them doctors and they’re gibbering about monoclonal this and experimental that, waiting on Marine One to take Trump’s morbidly obese, virus-wracked body to get put on a ventilator and tut-tutting about masks. And that was the only thirty seconds I could handle before I peeled off. Jayzus, get a f—king grip.

  15. “You All worry too much.

    Trump will not go down. He will recover very quickly and be back more focused and with greater resolve.”

    This is what I believe. Now, for the next week or so, it’ll be “Trump is dying!” until he suddenly appears back fine, at which point it really, really screws the narrative that anyone over 65 is going to die at the moment they get COVID, and therefore proves there’s no need to keep cities locked down and ruin everything because of the past narrative of gloom and doom.

    Not to mention, it takes any wind out of talking about Biden for the next few weeks, and will drive the left nuts unlike anything we’ve seen before. Expect videos of single 35 year old females crying because Trump survived, it’ll be the same song and dance all over again.

  16. Ain’t that the truth D. Bag. I marvel at the way these meedja people fuss and fantasize about Trump’s potential incapacitation, and how all the obviously struggling Biden gets from them is “Oh he’s just fine, you conspiracy theorists”

    Have faith, y’all. This too, shall backfire.

  17. In the meantime, Trump is getting sympathy bumps in the polls, no doubt because on set of the libs are trashing him and the other libs are creeped out over it.

    I saw a few stories on news blog sidebars that said, “Biden tests negative” and nobody cared to read them. lol

  18. MJA, i don’t hear Sanjay Goopta expressing a bit of concern about whatever Devil’s brew they’re pumping into Chemical Joe on a daily basis. Weird, this newfound concern for the guy they’ve hated for five years. Columbo would have questions.

  19. Amazing; Trump catches an infection and Chuck Schumer thinks it’s Trump’s job to make him feel better by delaying the Barrett confirmation process.

    Plus the democrats have pushed the idea the Wuhan virus is almost 100% fatal for so long they believe that is true. One of their dingbats is calling for Trump’s name to be removed from the election ballot. They have an acute case of TDS.

    Holding on to the hope it will be a mild case of the virus, and PDJT will soon be back strong as before.

    Oh, just saw on the news another Trump ally, Kellyanne Conway has also tested positive for covid-19. Odd timing indeed.

  20. Confident President Trump is getting the best care, but regardless, he and his family need prayer. Very certain the Deep State has something to do with he, his family and administration gettimg infected with COVID. They can’t let President Trump kill their political strategy to keep everyone shutdown and in fear over a fake pandemic – timming is too coincidental.


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