Out Of Time, Out Of Place – IOTW Report

Out Of Time, Out Of Place

The woman who is single-handedly destroying Germany with her obsession of multiculturalism, which will eventually be Islamic monoculturalism, is named Time Person of the Year.


Reminder: Hitler was Time’s Man of the Year in 1938.

23 Comments on Out Of Time, Out Of Place

  1. Germany looks like they’re cooked.
    I thought if they removed the Frau by the end of the year, they might steer clear of greater trouble.

    BUT: seeing as how it’s going to take the DECIMATION of the CDU (State elections strat around March/April), it may be too late by then.

    Biggest pity is that the “Alternative für Deutschland” Party has pretty much been taken over by Nazis. Why they don’t all gather ’round the NPD (instead of usurping/taking over a once-legitimate alternative Party) is beyond me…other than another thin – and failed – attempt to gain legitimacy.

  2. Everyone appalled at the choice thinks “Person of the Year” means they are a really good influence on the world.

    The award means no such thing.

    Don’t confuse it with the regular kind of “… of the Year” award, like Dad, Mom or Teacher.

    It just means they are in the news the most. Usually because they f&*k with the most people.

    Evil makes the news and touches the lives of people a LOT.

    So yeah, it makes sense Hitler was picked also.

    It aint about the BEST person in the world.

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