Outrage After Swedish TV Downplays Gruesome ISIS Beheadings, Threatens Prison For Sharing Video – IOTW Report

Outrage After Swedish TV Downplays Gruesome ISIS Beheadings, Threatens Prison For Sharing Video


Swedish state broadcaster SVT has outraged viewers after they ran an article claiming that the gruesome ISIS-inspired murder of two Scandinavian girls in Morocco “had nothing to do with Islam,” before warning Swedes that sharing a graphic beheading video of the incident could result in up to four years of imprisonment.

Maren Ueland, 28, of Norway and Louisa Vesterager Jespersen, 24, of Denmark were murdered while backpacking in the High Atlas mountains of Morocco. Both girls were stabbed multiple times, while one of them was beheaded on video. The culprits can then be seen pledging allegiance to the Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi.

The ISIS fanatics gloated about the killing –


19 Comments on Outrage After Swedish TV Downplays Gruesome ISIS Beheadings, Threatens Prison For Sharing Video

  1. Those two girls are simply collateral damage, little leftists who were brainwashed into believing that all humans and all cultures respect peace, love and understanding.

    Hiking in Morocco is no different than hiking in Colorado.

    They were victims of the SJW plankton that float in the ocean of today’s stupidity

    Their teachers are guilty of child abuse. Teachers used to teach that playing on the freeway was folly.

  2. I agree with PHenry.
    Two western European females who were out of place, being in the wrong cultural region, putting themselves at risk. Ignorance can be lethal and it was to them. The same white female duo could have been brutally savaged in criminal population areas in some major USA cities. Not just Muslims enjoy savage raping and killing. South Africa has it, too. Genetic satanism seems to be generational among specific cultural groups, even in the USA. Never safe among them, anywhere.

  3. The truth of the matter is blonde Swedish broads gravitate to ugly brown muslims. They are sick of blondes.
    Sweden will:
    A. Fight a Civil War.
    B. Cause an insurrection.
    C. Kick muslim ass.
    D. Capitulate and die. Like the rest of Western Europe.

    What do you think?

  4. We might be missing the ray of hope here….. “outraged viewers”! Similar to the removal (from the public square) of Christianity here in the USofA. My only fear is that eventually, there will no longer be outrage. Only capitulation.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  5. I’m sure the Swedish Social Engineering elites are emboldened by the fact that it’s tough to own a firearm in Sweden. Hopefully there deaths will be avenged.
    Nobody deserves to have their heads stood on by one guy and sawed off by another.

  6. Except Bill and Hillary. And maybe John Brennan, Lois Lerner, Eric Holder, Barry and Big Mike,…….there’s actually quite a few. Dumb blondes that are only guilty of absorbing what they were taught, not so much.

  7. In addition to the ignorance resulting from educational indoctrination, I also blame popular culture for the ridiculous “girl power” bullshit being propagated by our society.

  8. Utopian stateists simply reject reality. They live in a parallel universe to what the scientific method, which relies on what observation, demands acceptance of.

    I am going to go way out on a limb, and state that mankind, humankind, for those in loser land, accepts the scientific method.

    The scientific method, for those w/o the background, looks at data and I am again going to go out on a limb and state that even the most pedestrian mind can start to correlate acts with a proclivity of a population to behave in a certain way.

    I may be wrong regarding to how most people react to info, but the Utopian stateists most certainly accept that “information is knowledge.”

    I could chase the cow all around the farm before getting her in the stanchion and milking her, but that is not how I am constituted.

    They, the Utopian stateists, are pissed because they have lost control over the rules of engagement. They had become used to having every debate take place on their terms, and Trump is having none of it.

    They are simply not tolerant of any view that falls outside of their ideology and that is because, in the aggregate, they are ideologically driven and have no unique and independent opinion that they have developed as a consequence of independent study… regardless of where that takes them.

    They are resentful, to the extreme, not of Donald Trump – or his agenda, but of the FACT that his personality makes it such that he so doesn’t give a shit what the rules of engagement WERE for the last five decades.

    We see it with Milo Yianopolis, but that is small potatoes compared to the President saying: I will debate you, but on an even playing field.

    This they simply cannot tolerate reasoned debate being entertained or everything they have set up is toast. Burnt to a motherfucking crisp.

    In order for their prescriptions to prevail they have to be considered in a vacuum… or filtered through the main stream media. And when “the most powerful man in the world” says Fuck You! That trickles down, and they recognize that to acquiesce to letting someone, anyone, go off like that is to open up their ideologically derived rhetoric to question is an invitation to others to grow a set of balls and demand a concrete answer.

    I firmly believe that everyone with a microphone has missed what is animating the Utopian stateists. It is not Donald Trump’s agenda, it is the fact that he has demonstrated to the world that the left, I prefer Utopian stateists, no longer can control the debate!

    I owe the bastard a debt of gratitude for that alone.

    I will debate anyone, any time, anywhere, and I have been frustrated by the Goddamned terms of the debate being… and fuck you, even if I concede to being labeled and therefore marginalized in your eyes, answer my questions directly or respond to my apologetic w/o seeking refuge behind a subterfuge of accusation of ulterior motive, such as racism, sexism or whatnot.

    OK, here is where the field totally regains equilibrium: I, being an engineer, and presumably of scientific mind, really don’t give a fuck! I would like the opportunity to take a look at the data. Not the “data’ that has been filtered through the media. All of it.

    I am a licensed engineer and have schooling and experience in analyzing data, but this shit ain’t rocket science. Give the people, at large, the info and they will be able to put two and two together. Filter the data and you can get to the foreordained result every time.

    With some data it takes expertise and experience, but c’mon folks… who’s shitting who when it comes to what the Utopian stateists allies, radical Islam is.

    Really, in all honesty, study of data is not the exclusive domain of educated and trained engineers and scientists rely on to form VALID conclusions, it is what all of you rely on.

    That should clue ya.’ If someone, or some political force, wants to filter what you have to consider… you do the math.

  9. Late on catching up on this one and am completely stunned.
    The media there informs “sharing a graphic beheading video of the incident could result in up to four years of imprisonment.”
    What about the sick scum that you allow and stand by what was done!
    This is the financially supported Soros backed ‘New World Order’. Just trace that term back to 1989 Bushes ‘1000 points of light’.
    Leaves me angrier every day, with scum named Clinton and Bush left to portend it’s not a ‘fixed’ system.

  10. The bottom line is: It is not Donald Trump, it is that they no longer control the debate.

    That is why they’re apoplectic. The Donald did not interest me until I recognized that he was the one individual who could and would prove to the world that he could, and would, break it off in their ass.


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