Over 100 Police Agencies Pull Out Of Agreements To Guard DNC Convention – IOTW Report

Over 100 Police Agencies Pull Out Of Agreements To Guard DNC Convention

Daily Wire: More than 100 law enforcement agencies have reportedly pulled out of security agreements to send personnel to help with security at the Democratic National Convention next month in part because they are concerned about recent efforts to limit law enforcement’s use of tear gas and pepper spray in responding to violent riots.

Milwaukee Police Chief Alfonso Morales was ordered last month to change the department’s policies to ban the use of tear gas and pepper spray.

“Since the Milwaukee order was issued, more than 100 law enforcement agencies in Wisconsin and across the country decided against coming to Milwaukee, Morales told WTMJ-TV on Tuesday,” the Associated Press reported. “They were concerned with directives placed on the police department, including not allowing tear gas or pepper spray, he said.”

In Wisconsin, Franklin Police Chief Rick Oliva said, “It is apparent there is a lack of commitment to provide the Milwaukee Police Department with the resources it needs to ensure the safety of peaceful protesters, attendees, citizens and police personnel. I can not send personnel if they are not properly equipped or will not be allowed to engage in appropriate actions which would ensure their safety.”

Waukesha Police Chief Daniel Thompson responded by indicating that his department would not be sending officers to event, saying, “I understand that use of chemical irritants and pepper spray is serious and those are to be used only when legally justified. But when you take that out of the continuum that doesn’t leave the officers much other than getting harmed or using deadly force and that’s not good for any officer or the public.” more

25 Comments on Over 100 Police Agencies Pull Out Of Agreements To Guard DNC Convention

  1. Considering their desire to defund and/or eliminate law enforcement, why would they even want them at the convention? I’m sure any protests that pop up would be peaceful.

  2. Any cop who voluntarily takes part in protecting the Marxist Party is anti-America. Let them protect themselves; there are numerous private security agencies for hire.

  3. Gonna be a hot time in the old town that tonight, yeah baaybee!!

    Whut? Me worry? Itz all a myth anyway!
    Alfred E. Nadler

    Gee Batman, I hope The Wadler gets it first!
    A cream pie Robin?
    Nope, just creamed!

  4. For anyone who remembers the 68 Chicago Dem convention just
    imagine how much fun Milwaukee will be with no cops.
    Buy lotsa really good popcorn to watch the commie savages maul one another.

  5. It’s going to be Chicago 1968 redux on steroids without Mayor Daley to smash all the heads of the Antifa punks and other scum of the democrap left. All those shitheads in 68 gave us Nixon as the law and order candidate, the same thing will happen for President Trump.

  6. I suppose it’s appropriate Milwaukee is the site of the DNCs faux convention. According to studies I perused, Milwaukee’s population is decreasing, with whites and blacks moving elsewhere. According to that bastion of conservative thought, CBS News, Milwaukee is also the most dangerous city in Wisconsin and the 6th most dangerous city per capita in the United States.

    But that shouldn’t bother the DNC because my guess is that this convention will be primarily virtual so the delegates don’t have to actually go there. In fact, I wonder if Biden will bother to show up – it would be safer to keep hiding him in his basement and try to get him to deliver a taped speech without screwing up.

  7. Joe will address the convention via video while being attended by nursing staff and matrons spoon feeding him baby food most of which ends up on his bib.
    “Wrap it up Joe we can tell you need to be changed”

  8. the dnc should hire the black panthers to be their bouncers at the conventions to prove their not racists.

    Or use this as an excuse to not have a convention. They dont want bernie burning down the house faster then they are.

  9. The headline ought to be – 100% of Police Agencies Pull Out. Instead of – Over 100 Agencies Pull Out.

    Which police agencies are still in? Are they staying in or just waiting in queue to withdraw?

    If there are riots, and mayhem at the DNC convention, will the MSM report it? Will Jerry Nadler be sent out to say rumors of riots at the convention are a myth?

  10. I’ll tell ya right now that if they hire private security, that firm had better get their money up front because democRATs are notorious cheaters and welches when it comes to paying bills!!


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