Over the Target: Marsha Blackburn Draws Ire of Trump Foes as She Exposes Key Impeachment Figure Vindman – IOTW Report

Over the Target: Marsha Blackburn Draws Ire of Trump Foes as She Exposes Key Impeachment Figure Vindman


Adam Schiff is hailing Alexander Vindman as an American patriot.

How patriotic is it to badmouth and ridicule our great nation in front of Russia, America’s greatest enemy?

31.3K4:06 PM – Jan 23, 2020

Breitbart: Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) has drawn fire from across the anti-Donald Trump political spectrum the past few days as she has publicly challenged the fake establishment built around key impeachment figure and Democrat witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman.

Vindman infamously testified in his full military uniform–despite the fact he does not wear it to work at the National Security Council (NSC)–before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) during the House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry stage last year helping build their case to pass articles of Impeachment before Christmas. The “impeachment managers,” the top Democrats that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has appointed to argue the Democrats’ partisan case for removing President Trump from office before the U.S. Senate, have repeatedly invoked Vindman’s testimony over the course of this week, where Democrats have finally finished their opening arguments after three long days of that and a previous late night on Tuesday in the Senate where they used a series of meaningless amendments to buy more time to press their case on the Senate floor.

But it is a series of tweets from Blackburn that have infuriated the president’s enemies, Never Trumpers and Democrats alike, where the freshman U.S. senator and conservative firebrand from Tennessee–a strong ally of the president–has called for the truth to finally come out about Vindman and others’ role in orchestrating this entire impeachment charade from the beginning.

Everything Blackburn has said about Vindman is factually accurate.

On Thursday, Blackburn began a tweet thread–one of many she’s done this week exposing the left on this impeachment case–by questioning the image that the establishment media and Democrats have painted of Vindman being patriotic: more here

9 Comments on Over the Target: Marsha Blackburn Draws Ire of Trump Foes as She Exposes Key Impeachment Figure Vindman

  1. Vindman is a political hack and tool of democrat anti-american ideology.
    Vindman, identified as a patriot is a myth created to lend credence to his false (fake) testimony and actions.
    I suppose in the divisive obama universe being traitorous is patriotic.
    Vindman dishonored himself, his Army uniform and his Nation.
    He is NOT representative to the Officer Corps of the US Army !!!

  2. @cato January 26, 2020 at 12:37 pm

    > He is NOT representative to the Officer Corps of the US Army !!!

    You can not have it both ways. At the same time. Either the proles must worship the uniform, regardless of the man in it, for what those who wore the uniform before, did. Or the man is all, the uniform means nothing. “Subject to change, without notice” is tranny grade progressive.

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