Over Three Years After His Doomsday Prediction, Paul Krugman Admits Trump Economy is Great – IOTW Report

Over Three Years After His Doomsday Prediction, Paul Krugman Admits Trump Economy is Great

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25 Comments on Over Three Years After His Doomsday Prediction, Paul Krugman Admits Trump Economy is Great

  1. Paul Krugman ~ amazing that a man who has been wrong about …. EVERYTHING! … since at least 1975 still has gainful employment as a prognosticator

    seriously, he should be made to wear clown makeup when appearing on the airwaves … with a bicycle horn

  2. Krugman, that wasn’t “reacting badly”, that was “making a stupid mistake”. My opinion is that you make lots of stupid mistakes because you’ve immersed yourself in the bogus “science” of macroeconomics. Your Nobel prize, after all, was based on integrating geographic distribution of production and consumer preferences into the so-called general equilibrium model. Any thoughtful economist knows that economies never operate in equilibrium. When all your analyses are based on false premises, you produce worthless crap.

  3. HAHAHAHA. He admits that he made that mistake? What about blaming Trump in 2017 for a cholera outbreak in Puerto Rico (there wasn’t one) and other predictions like his prediction in 2016 that Trump would bring down the Republican party (in truth, the part was already doing a pretty good job of that, but it is partially coming back).
    I am sure there are others, those are the ones I could easily find by doing a search and finding an article printed by John R. Smith at bizpacreview.com.
    Adding all of his misses on economics in general, why he even employed? Oh wait, he works for the NYT. Never mind.

  4. This whole Iowa caucus is a bunch of shit. We should have had the results 2 hours ago. It’s like they are all cheating to get to the top…why in the blue fuck aren’t the numbers in yet? Is this a competition to see how many Democrats constituents can vote multiple times?????

  5. When lefty assholes spends years flapping
    their stupid mouths, they wind up a steady
    favorite on MSM with no loss of faith in
    their spoutings as long as it carries
    the endless attacks on conservatism forward.
    The “Medium Is The Message” is actually the
    “Media is the mess”.

  6. The many things Paul Krugman says we’re not taking care of:

    Saving the Greenland glaciers.
    Free sex transfer operations for 2 and 3 year old babies that ask for them.
    A homo president for the US.
    The US needs to join the European Union.
    Outlaw NASCAR.
    Force NFL players to wear pink tutus.
    All white people must spend one week a year working as a slave on a southern plantation.
    End diplomatic relations with Israel.
    Outlaw the NRA.
    Send every cent of foreign aid to the Palestinkians.

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