Overlooked Older Dog Finds a Home After Shelter Runs a Time-Lapse of People Walking Past Her – IOTW Report

Overlooked Older Dog Finds a Home After Shelter Runs a Time-Lapse of People Walking Past Her

2 Comments on Overlooked Older Dog Finds a Home After Shelter Runs a Time-Lapse of People Walking Past Her

  1. Over the years the wife and I have fostered many many dogs, the joy it has brought both us is incalculable. Our latest project was a 7-month-old German Shepard, absolutely gorgeous but a real hand full. On Monday this couple from Modesto came by for possible adoption. As with all dogs, you do the best you can to vet the new owners but at the end of the day you pray that it is a good match and hope for the best. They ended up taking the dog and all day I was a bit bummed, unsure whether it was the right choice. That night the wife checked this woman’s Facebook page and there, clear as day, was a photo of her on a plane wearing a “Trump 2020” face mask. We both looked at each other and smiled, knowing in our hearts this was indeed a good match.


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