Overmatch, Overkill, Overstretch – IOTW Report

Overmatch, Overkill, Overstretch

We are currently re-evaluating our military strategy in a way that will impact future spending on our arsenal and training. At the center of the debate is just how do we need to spend to maintain our significant advantage over all possible combatants as those nations catch up.

The overmatch position argues that we must stay far ahead of all possible rivals as a means to prevent them ever trying their luck against us or our allies. The overkill philosophy argues that we need just enough to stay ahead and that our allies can pick up the necessary slack locally. This allows The United States to take a backing role, like enforcing blockades against the warring party opposing our alliance. The overstretch approach believes our massive military is itself a vulnerability and that we can use our natural defensive barriers to take care of ourselves and let the rest of the world work out its differences without our engagement. More  

7 Comments on Overmatch, Overkill, Overstretch

  1. Military spending is awesome. A lot of that money ends up back in the private sector creating new technology and most of that technology end up with commercial applications. Now if we could keep the Chicoms from stealing it, life would be good.

  2. How much is too much? i like dwelling in safety but if we cant defend our own borders WTH are we doing defending others? Pull the beam out of our own eye first.

  3. The Navy does need to be out patrolling the waterways and ensuring the freedom of transit for goods. That does well for all. The rest belong at home, on standby.
    I believe if we have to put boots on the ground, it’s ours. Don’t mess with us unless you want to lose your shit. No more nation building, govt toppling, etc.

  4. ;The military should be used to stop the invasion from the south. If the order goes out to shoot to kill, a lot of these tourists will change their mind. This is not being cruel, how do you tell illegal immigrants from drug dealers in 1/10 of a second?

  5. @Bad_Brad July 7, 2018 at 3:48 pm

    > A lot of that money ends up back in the private sector creating new technology and most of that technology end up with commercial applications.

    Because research, make product, sell product — would be so-oh inefficient. I mean in a market, rather than government planned, economy.

  6. They want to save money? Stop leaving our stuff everywhere.
    Bring back every nut and bolt we ship over there and sell it as surplus to Americans who want that stuff. Especially vehicles


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