OWIE! – IOTW Report


28 Comments on OWIE!

  1. Odds are that was a squib. Bench rest shooters typically load their own.
    Here’s a hot round. Notice where the gun comes apart.
    h tps://twitter.com/i/status/1637832367061577731

  2. A metallic cartridge reloader who wasn’t paying attention. No powder in one case, so bullet traveled only a few inches in the barrel (squib) and lodged. Then, he thoughtlessly touched off a full power load with the squib bullet still stuck in the barrel.

  3. Had a squib in my pistol back in the 1st ammo shortage era during my concealed carry class. Was shooting Tulammo steel case in 380. I caught it before losing fingers or anything else.

  4. A good friend of mine had a similar situation. He loaded his own rounds. He re-used a casing too many times and the neck broke free from one case and followed the bullet partially down the barrel. Similar to a squib it stopped the next bullet and the internal pressure inside the barrel split it open. But worse, the bolt broke free and shot out the back end of the gun and hit his cheek, almost ripping it off his face. Luckily for him he was looking through a scope. If he had been looking down open sites the bolt would have taken his entire eye out of his head. Because the first bullet did exit the gun and it had normal recoil he had no idea anything was wrong.

  5. They found the case with the missing neck in the pile of spent cases as they investigated the accident.
    He built a new 300 winmag custom rifle and was shooting again three months later.

  6. Well this one should get me in trouble…

    Depending on the cartridge / caliber youโ€™re probably not going to get a โ€œdouble loadโ€, but then it’s not necessary to do so for an overload in rifle (said the reloader who’s never loaded more than a box of rifle in his life).

    Anymouse’s Breakfast Loading Tutorial

    Now if’n you want to go to pistol then you might have the room. And say you want to load with “Bullseye” (powder) you can really mess things up. Double, triple, quadruple, etc., would be possible…

    On the other side of things I found that timing a certain shooter for cowboy matches sometimes causes hunger. Some of those guys do the “mouse fart loads” with a very small charge of powder. In order to get proper ignition of the powder when it is a very small/low charge with little volume it’s necessary to keep all/most of the charge against the primer in the base of the case/brass. They load the cartridges and while the brass is still perpendicular with the entire charge sitting against the bottom of the brass they top it off with GRITS. Then seat the bullet on top. When fired the smell of burning grits causes the hunger pains for me when timing the stage. Have never looked at what it might leave for residue in the barrel but have never seen a problem with this and not sure what it does by match end. Two pistols, five stages with five rounds out of each pistol on each stage give twenty-five (25) rounds out of each pistol.

    Never saw the gain by doing it as a larger grained powder like Trail Boss or a medium charged round doesn’t give you enough muzzle flip to take you off the target for follow up shots. But then when they timed me it was acceptable to use an egg timer. I was only there to provide entertainment for the other shooters.

    Breaking the 250 word limit to send royalties to SNS is acceptable on this one.

  7. After posting my diatribe I see Jethro’s commentsโ€ฆ

    Have noted the nickel-plated brass needs good inspection on reloading. Even with the reduced loads you have to limit how many times they go through the press and the gun.

    At a cowboy match my son was on the rifle and on his second round the base separated from the rest of the case leaving the top cylinder of the brass in the barrel. Luckily it would not let him load the next cartridge and cost him eight misses on that stage (40 second penalty). Got the brass out of the gun and no further problems in the match. He took second place in his category, and I was accused of sabotage by the other shooters.

    Kept the two pieces of brass and epoxied them to his second-place trophy.

    Shot for some years with the kids from about when they were ten or eleven years old until they graduated college. Son’s alias was “Sicilian Kid” and daughter was “Leadfoot Lizzie”. And NO my alias was NOT Anymouse.

  8. Juan Borracho MARCH 25, 2023 AT 5:52 PM

    Thank you!

    It just registered in my pea brain that those doing the grits were probably putting a wad on top of the powder and then the grits.

  9. I believe I’ve seen this clip before, and I believe the excuse given was that the shooter was trying to use up some ammo that was aging out and out of spec for that rifle, but exactly what, I don’t know.

  10. Had a fellow bring in his fathers .45, WWII era pistol.
    Not one, not two but three rounds in the barrel.
    Ammo lasts a long time but not that long.
    Powder was so old it wouldn’t even blow up, lucky him.
    Only reason he figured something was up when it wouldn’t load, no head space left.
    The barrel did have a bulge.
    New barrel, new ammo, worked like a lucky charm


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