Oxi Morons – IOTW Report

Oxi Morons

Drachma Drama


Greece. …yeah. Here we go again…

greece oxi vote

The creditors call with a dealio — they say, ‘ohHellNO,’ and dance in the streets celebrating their “independence.”

Germany, acting the adult ?!??!, retires for a small lie-down before figuring what to do when whoever moves in on Greece.

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Look. The no vote, if they decide to stand up for Greek pride as the prime minister outlines it, is a vote for suicide. …They’re seeing this week inability to get cash. Everything is running out. Commodities are getting scarce. What’s going to happen afterwards?

I think in the end the Greeks are not crazy. I think they understand the reason that they are in debt is not blackmail. But this is a country of 11 million people that has run up $275 billion in debt. That’s not easy if you’re 11 people million, but the Greeks are good at this. The Germans have finally said we’re taking away the credit card. The problem is there’s no negotiating leverage left because the Europeans have already called the bluff. They are ready to see the Greeks exit. And they are not going to budge one way or the other.


20 Comments on Oxi Morons

  1. Don’t believe everything you hear, and half of what you ‘see’.

    Ever wonder how many Greeks didn’t care to vote in that last referendum? What real choices did their general public have?

    How many Greek politicians will be punished for “leading” their people into a fiscal DEAD END?

    And how much of their plight should be a lesson for others?

    The daily drumbeat of BS all around the planet is starting to really piss me off.

  2. Lets see 11m Greeks More Europeans in the EU than the Americans in the USA so lets call it 700 m total. Yes the Greek situation is serious, but it not the end of the economy as we know it. Oil drops because the Greeks might use less? Our stock market tanks? hey folks look at the ratio above. Don’t over react

    It would be a hard lesson, and I feel for individual Greeks, but sometimes you do have to pay for past mistakes. Greece is a beautiful country and the people are friendly , sailing the islands was one of my best vacations ever. But buckle down , stop voting in politicians that promise the moon and work it out.

  3. A corrupt people.
    Electing a corrupt government.
    Their bankers aren’t any better.

    SO: (new/replacement) Greek Finance Minister comes to this morning’s meeting WITH ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY NOTHING to offer.

    Since noon Eastern time, the political leaders have been at it, face to face…

    …and BOY OH BOY THE SMALLER EU COUNTRIES (e.g. Estonia, Finland) HAVE ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY HAD IT with Greek’s sloth and entitlement.

    Soon…GAME OVER.





    (in German)

  4. Interestingly, the Greek elderly who collect pensions had the Yes majority, while the young crowd had the No majority. Those that suck off their government pensions are telling the government to continue austerity measures, but the young ones who aren’t eligible for pensions yet are saying No more austerity. My guess the government has cut back to continue pension payments, thereby screwing other entitlements for the young.

  5. So let me ask this: What if EVERY nation follows Argentina and Greece and refuses to pay debts? A new reality TV series: International Repo Man? Daily BS indeed!

  6. Umm…you’ll likely find out within the next 18 months.

    Not so much “won’t” but can’t.
    Taking the word “crash” to a whole new level.

  7. Greece is the real-time petri dish for what’s coming to the rest of the world and America.

    All of us fat-asses better get into shape soon so at least we have a fighting chance. Somebody has to make it to the other side so they can rebuild – and I plan on making sure it won’t be the socialist progressives.

    I think we are going to witness a ‘purge’, the likes of which humanity has never seen.

  8. Teddy Kennedy made it so Greeks can’t come to America, particularly any well-educated ones.

    His law requires we take ‘political refugees’ like muslims, communists and all other America-hating types.

  9. Ammo, Survival Food, and a Coalition of the Willing.
    If you go it alone, you are gonna die.
    Don’t matter how bad-ass you are, you gotta sleep, sooner or later.

    Batten down the hatches, boys!
    We’re in for a blow!

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