OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma files for bankruptcy – IOTW Report

OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma files for bankruptcy

They are facing a ton of lawsuits.

Epoch Times: Pharmaceutical company Purdue Pharma—which made billions of dollars selling its prescription painkiller OxyContin—has filed for bankruptcy after giving way to financial pressure from thousands of lawsuits alleging the company helped fuel the United States’ opioid epidemic.

The Sept. 15 filing at a federal bankruptcy court in New York is part of a tentative agreement Purdue reached “in principle” with 24 state attorneys general and analogous officials from five U.S. territories, in relation to settling their opioid litigation. Since the introduction of OxyContin in 1996, addiction and overdoses have surged.

The privately held company aims to restructure under terms of a proposal to settle the widespread litigation. The more than 2,600 lawsuits assert that the company aggressively sold OxyContin as a drug with a low risk of addiction, despite knowing that wasn’t true. more here

11 Comments on OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma files for bankruptcy

  1. Nail them – big Law but as usual probably not too many actual people will get a dime.

    Also – Mr. Peabody and I just returned from a trip in the “way back” machine and discovered the truth about Joe Biden and Corn Pop.

    Gang (Romans = Lil’ Rascals)
    Bad guy (Corn Pop = Buckwheat)
    Problem (wasn’t being called Esther Williams but was about hating Ester Williams with Spanky and Alfalfa)
    Solution (Joe got to pull the wagon with the dog on it).

    That clear it up for you?

  2. …so, people in pain will just seek their local heroin dealer instead.

    …pain makes you crazy. I’ve seen people in pain do crazy stuff to alleviate it. I’ve seen people who LOVE people in pain do crazy stuff to alleviate it.

    If you take the legal, controlled stuff away, folks are just going to go the illegal, uncontrolled route, and the consequences of THAT will be MUCH, much WORSE…

    …I’m not a fan of Big Pharma either. I’m not saying it can’t be done differently. I’m just saying that destroying the ability to make and sell effective pain relief under doctor supervision will make heroin dealers and the Afgani poppy growers that support them very, very happy…

  3. While Purdue needs to answer for misleading people on the addiction potential of oxy there really needs to be blame meted out to the doctors as well as the patients who plead ignorance about the potential for abuse. Just like cigarettes, which a smoker had to know was addictive the first minute they realize that they have run out and are craving the need for a smoke, the users must have know that when the pain from whatever had caused that first prescription had receded or gone away that they “needed” another pill that there was a problem. The doctors should have realized that when their patient came back for refills after the original need had disappeared that there was a problem but both doctor and patient ignored what was happening and took the easy way which was more oxy leading to higher dependence which leads to higher doses of oxy etc etc. That’s not even to discuss addicts who started taking oxy as a party drug having never actually received a legitimate prescription.
    There’s lots of responsibility to go around with this tragedy.

  4. Back in the 90s, Rush Limbaugh was famously addicted to Oxy, and lost his hearing as a result. For at least 20 years, the general public, and certainly the medical community has known about the addiction potential of the stuff, but just like cigarettes, no one wants to take personal responsibility. But that’s OK, when Oxy is gone, in my county they are growing enough marijuana to keep every man, woman, and child in the country pain-free for the next 20 years.

  5. SuperNightShade.
    Yep. I’m with you. Taking away the legal (but over prescribed and abused – not Big Pharma’s fault) pain killers will invoke The Immutable Law of Unintended Consequences. Which Big Gooberment caused, and Big Gooberment will attempt to “fix” – again and again and……

  6. The wife worked for Purdue for a few years. The control even then (5 years ago) over what the salesmen could tell the doctors was unreal. How did Purdue mislead doctors when their salesmen could ONLY read government approved documents to them?

    You can’t idiot proof the world, sorry.

  7. You know- an awful a lot of Americans are killed by Cars every year. Cars are too fast and can wrap around a tree like ring. The car makers know this- they are selling cars to people knowing those cars can reach speeds that will just kill people. We need regulation after we sue the car companies for knowingly selling death machines.

    Cars & Trucks should be allowed a max speed of 25 mph and have shells like a tank. Everyone safe because nothing is more safe than Big Brother regulating your safety.

    Or we can live free. You want a Corvette and can afford it- great. I can live if the government insists that it come with a warning sticker saying “you really should obey the street laws but if you don’t don’t sue us when they scrap you off the highway with a stick and a sponge”.

    There were 80,000 alcohol related deaths last year- where is the outrage over that? Where are the lawsuits against Big Alcohol? People are free to drink themselves to death and no one will say anything about it.

    Bottom line- the only people to blame are the users who chose to use over everything else in their lives. Your sad because your spouse/child/loved one got hooked and destroyed your family? I hear you- your sad. Yes, very sad. My brother got hooked on crack and after 30 years living the life his life ended when a Hell’s Angle threw him out a 3rd story window. By all accounts it was not a swift death nor was it peaceful. Its all very sad. (True story- happened the night before my sister’s daughter was to be married- drama, drama, drama but I digress) Looking for someone to blame? I should clarify- looking for someone to blame with $$$ which precludes your dead beat spouse/child/loved one? Well then F- you; with that kind of thinking you are part of the problem and probably enabled your loved one to use until their death. (with my brother there was always someone willing to help him “one last time” at the funeral the ones who helped the most would have been the most culpable had it not been for this one immutable truth- the only person that can change the user is the user).

    Thanks all for the group therapy. My name is Pelopidas and I’m an Adult Child of an Alcoholic.

  8. You know- an awful a lot of Americans are killed by Cars every year. Cars are too fast and can wrap around a tree like ring. The car makers know this- they are selling cars to people knowing those cars can reach speeds that will just kill people. We need regulation after we sue the car companies for knowingly selling death machines.

    Cars & Trucks should be allowed a max speed of 25 mph and have shells like a tank. Everyone safe because nothing is more safe than Big Brother regulating your safety.

    Or we can live free. You want a Corvette and can afford it- great. I can live if the government insists that it come with a warning sticker saying “you really should obey the street laws but if you don’t don’t sue us when they scrap you off the highway with a stick and a sponge”. Maybe, when you turn 18 the government should make you sign a whole list is discloses “I understand if I point a gun to my head and pull the trigger I might die. I understand that opioid use can result in deafness and or death. I understand that driving recklessly may result in death” and then that way business can do business without the fear of being sued for doing their business. Or make it one short disclosure “I understand that life contains a partial of risk and I am responsible for the choices I make”

    There were 80,000 alcohol related deaths last year- where is the outrage over that? Where are the lawsuits against Big Alcohol? People are free to drink themselves to death and no one will say anything about it.

    Bottom line- the only people to blame are the users who chose to use over everything else in their lives. Your sad because your spouse/child/loved one got hooked and destroyed your family? I hear you- your sad. Yes, very sad. My brother got hooked on crack and after 30 years living the life his life ended when a Hell’s Angle threw him out a 3rd story window. By all accounts it was not a swift death nor was it peaceful. Its all very sad. (True story- happened the night before my sister’s daughter was to be married- drama, drama, drama but I digress) Looking for someone to blame? I should clarify- looking for someone to blame with $$$ which precludes your dead beat spouse/child/loved one? Well then F- you; with that kind of thinking you are part of the problem and probably enabled your loved one to use until their death. (with my brother there was always someone willing to help him “one last time” at the funeral the ones who helped the most would have been the most culpable had it not been for this one immutable truth- the only person that can change the user is the user).

    Thanks all for the group therapy. My name is Pelopidas and I’m an Adult Child of an Alcoholic.

  9. Saw this coming 6 months ago. Got all my prescribed patients off Oxycontin before we had to do it in crisis mode. MSContin works just fine, methadone is also very very good for all types of pain.

    Methadone also helps me figure out who else in the family has a problem, they usually start bitching when we switch grannies meds.

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