Oxymoron of the Day: Tax Revenue – IOTW Report

Oxymoron of the Day: Tax Revenue

Tiny Dancer has negotiated a deal with the Chicago Civic Federation to raise $750 million in taxes over 5 years for the city’s pension for regular employees.  This deal does not address the underfunded police, firemen or teacher’s pension.

Read the Story here



7 Comments on Oxymoron of the Day: Tax Revenue

  1. I need Unky Al for this since I’m no math major but…

    Chicago has a total population of 2.7 million. This new tax is 750 million. So each man, woman and child needs to come up with $277.77 to cover this.

    Or, in reality, 8 or 9 corporations and a few thousand actual tax payers need to pony up 750 million within 5 years or else.

    Wouldn’t it be simpler to issue retirees EBT cards and let FedGov deal with it? They already got health care nailed, right?

  2. @Burr* – Using conventional rounding, that would be $277.78 per resident sucker, but not taking into consideration changes in population over the five year life (yeah, right!) of the tax would have an effect I would imagine to be greater than a penny.

    Yeah, “tax revenue” makes as much sense to me as “bank robbery revenue” or “highway robbery revenue” or “extortion revenue.” I think a better word would be “loot.”

  3. I can always count on you Al…

    But actually, I was trying to figure out how much per day each taxpayer would have to pony up. I mean a lot of those 2 million plus don’t pay taxes due to age or general assholeishness on their part.

    Further, since this tax doesn’t cover fire or police pensions, I’m assuming there will be an additional tax imposed somewhere during the 5 year period mentioned to raise 750 million.

    So basically I’m hoping obama has a really big stash to cover this.

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