PA Grand Jury Report Documents Massive Sexual Abuse In Catholic Church – IOTW Report

PA Grand Jury Report Documents Massive Sexual Abuse In Catholic Church

A 900-page report generated by a Pennsylvania grand jury accuses 900 Catholic priests of sexually abusing over 1,000 children since the 1940’s.

Many of the documented assaults came from the confessions of the priest involved. Few will face punishment since the statute of limitations have run out on most of the crimes, yet the damning document exposes the leadership of the church to condemnation for willful ignorance and / or covering up the criminal activity of those violators entrusted with ministering to their communities. More

27 Comments on PA Grand Jury Report Documents Massive Sexual Abuse In Catholic Church

  1. This is huge. And complicated. And has as much to do with abuse of power and protection of an entrenched system as it does with sex.
    The media hasn’t been much interested in the Cardinal McCarrick scandal because his predations were mostly young men of the age of consent and the left wants more gays in the church. But there is a cabal of powerful men in the church who have enabled this and the two scandals have overlapping players and policies; neither the church nor the media will be able to deny it.
    There are many innocent priests who are going to be collateral damage when it all falls apart. And there are many sad souls who are going to abandon the pews in despair.
    These are the devil’s own clergy. They robbed children of their innocence and their enablers have robbed the faithful of their spiritual home.

  2. I thought that the outcry (and forthcoming solutions) were publicized for all to see when the movie “Spotlight” came out…. didn’t they mention this being a national and international problem… with repercussions going all the way to the Vatican?

  3. Posting as a Conservative Catholic (CC).

    @ JudgeRoyBean – Hmmm maybe? How about the fact that the next potential nominated SCOTUS is a CC?? And his hearings start in about a month? LOTS on the line for the libs and leftists. His nomination would make the SCOTUS 3/4 CC.

    The behaviour of sick individuals is horrible. And the victims, and families, have to SUFFER to this day.

    Covering it up is just as bad, apologies to the victims, for the comparison.

    The Institution needs a reckoning…or wrecking?

    The asshole, Jorge, in the Walled City Within Rome says that, with the stroke of pen, decides that there is NO reason for capital punishment?? Screw off.

    Maybe history will associate this time as some type of PURGE or CLEANSING on ALL fronts.

    The American conservative Catholic membership is ONE of the last fronts in the way of the left and its battle.

    It has been on their radar for some time now.

    I blame Vatican II 1967 for the flood gates bursting open, not the start of the problem necessarily, twenty fives years prior to that when the flood waters were BUILDING.


  4. “They robbed children of their innocence and their enablers have robbed the faithful of their spiritual home.”
    How true L M Annie.
    But as a faithful follower of Michael Voris, The Vortex, Catholic Militant, I am aware of this horrible stuff. Michael has been calling out these phony’s like Dolan, McCarrick and others for years. As has Brian Birch of Catholic Vote, and Bill Donahue of The Catholic League
    I’m a halfway decent Catholic, and Irish. When Ireland elected a sodomite as Prime Minister, half Indian BTW, it stung me. When Ireland approved same sex marriage, it stung me more. When the Irish approved abortion? I said to myself, what the phuck is going on here? I’m still thinking about an answer.

    But the Catholic Church is in a bind and the Dopey Pope is no help.

  5. Read long ago in a Catholic source that it had been known for decades that seminaries were usually about half populated with active homosexuals. Recently read an observation (maybe here?) that the reason it has spread so far and so long is that sodomite priests would deliberately find non-sodomite priests to confess their sodomy to, which would lock the priests into saying nothing because it was spoken in the magic box, resulting in an ever expanding, self-perpetuating coverup. That doesn’t explain quite everything but it actually makes sense.

  6. @ Annie. What struck me today at Mass was the first reading from Revelation. The woman writhing in birth pains and the dragons tail wiping 1/3 of the stars from the heavens and hurling them down to earth.

    Our Mother giving birth to the church and stars being the priests.

    Moe: Voris has been on this for a long time it is good to keep him in your inbox.

    Grool: First thumbs up from me, probably done in face to face confessions as well.

    Things will get much worse, Lk 18:8 when the Son of Man cometh will he find faith?
    My hope is that the federal government defunds all the Catholic Schools primary and secondary, taking confiscated money to operate schools inclines them to non-orthodox teaching and is immoral. So many things have to be addressed by the Bishops but its a money (collections reduced) thing for some. So most Catholics only hear a church of nice sermon on the readings each week and how we need to love each other (we do). But week after week with no mention of the scandals and unorthodox teachings leads to problems like we have currently. I could go on….

  7. Why is “anyone* Catholic today? Have you watched the true story, “The Magdalene Laundries,” a true story….? ….those women are alive today.

    This is not the 14th century.

    The Catholic Church is for naifs and fools. There is no truth there.

    …Lady in Red

  8. Lady in Red. I am always Catholic because there is truth and Jesus is not a liar.
    Matthew 16:17-19

    When corrupt judges (by the thousands) wipe their ass with the constitution do you say: Why is anyone an American, there is no truth there?

  9. @ Lady in Red – Yeah and I saw The Last Resurrection of Christ at the Ziegfeld. Guess what I’m still a Cat-lick!
    You are saying Why go to a church? IF you are Catholic to begin with. Correct? OR you say that from outside the tent?

    Be careful who you define as naifs and fools. WE might actually have to get YOUR back. That means SAVE your ass one day.

    Why are you making inaccurate historical comparisons?

    Where do you find the truth? The Gospel itself or other?

    @ Frank – IF we accept Jesus as part man, he did LIE.

  10. @ Moe Tom, You are a kindred spirit. I’d be happy to sit sadly in the pew with you. Might convince my Irish hubby to join us but he’s even more intermittent than I am, having seen through their shite years ago.

    @ Frank, Good for you, and for all of us, for you having the fortitude to go to church on this holy day of obligation and pray for this poor church. The days ahead are not for the weak of heart or faith.

    So much truth and goodness and devotion in the Catholic church… makes it an easy mark, inside and out. A good purge and flush is long overdue but it’s going to be painful for all concerned.

  11. Moe Tom

    I have followed him for ever it seems.

    I called Hunthausen a crackpot, and quite possibly a heretic and my mother almost ran the car up a tree thinking I had brought down hell fire and brimstone on the entire family. I called the USCCB the single most corrupt entity in the country way back and she almost fainted dead away.

    These bastards and their fabulous buddies have never caused me to doubt my faith because I never considered them to be holy men, since the days of my youth I have seen them as infiltrators and not Catholic.

    Actually I have never doubted my faith and maybe reading the classical literature has been a part of that dynamic. Whatever the reason, I consider it to be a blessing to have been put together with a mind that has allowed me to reject that which is the flavor of the day when what was being sold was incompatible with what independent study has lead me to believe. Chasing novelties has always impressed me as a damn good way to end up in a church made in my own image.

    Boy, you should have seen my mothers face when I basically rejected having anything to do with or show respect for the left wing ac.tivist screwball phony nuns that took over everything they could get their hooks in back in the sixties and seventies and used The Church to further their Marxist faith.

  12. I’ve read this little book several times since the ‘70’s.

    “AA-1025 Memoirs of the Communist Infiltration into the Church”

    “In the 1960’s, a French Catholic nurse, Marie Carr, attended an auto-crash victim who was brought into her hospital in a city she purposely does not name. The man lingered there near death for a few hours and then died. He had no identification on him, but he had a briefcase in which there was a set of quasi-biographical notes. She kept these notes and read them, and because of their extraordinary content, decided to publish them. The result is this little book, AA-1025 Memoirs of the Communist Infiltration Into the Church, about a Communist who purposely entered the Catholic priesthood (along with many, many others) with the intent to subvert and destroy the Church from within.

    “This little book, his strange yet fascinating and illuminating set of biographical notes, tells of his commission to enter the priesthood, his various experiences in the seminary, and the means and methods he used and promoted to help effect from within the auto-dissolution of the Catholic Church.

    “Absorbing and compelling reading from beginning to end,

    “AA-1025 Memoirs of the Communist Infiltration Into the Church is a must-read for every Catholic today and for all who would understand just what has happened to the Catholic Church since the 1960’s. No one will read this book without a profound assent that something just like what is described here must surely have happened on a wide scale in order to have disrupted the life of the Catholic Church so dramatically.”

  13. Has anyone besides Chris Plante done any investigation on the exorbitant number of children molested in the public school system in less than 1/7 th the amount of years than in this study of the CC.

    Doesn’t negate culpability of the church, and the awful harm to children, but the study coming out now before Kavenaugh is confirmed is suspect.

  14. Forgot to say above, the “priest” was upset that he wasn’t the first to try to destroy the church, he was the 1,025 th man recruited by the commies.

    The seminaries got infiltrated, just as our secular colleges were infiltrated. We are finally now seeing young priests who are really Catholic come out of many seminaries, thank God.

  15. PJ: This was mentioned on Rush’s show today. Apparently there was testimony in the 1940’s HUAC hearings by a woman who was an admitted communist, who said her mission and that of hundreds of others was to infiltrate the church, encourage homosexuals to enter the holy orders and destroy the church from within. I am trying to find transcripts.


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