PA Judge of Elections Pleads Guilty to Stuffing Ballot Boxes – IOTW Report

PA Judge of Elections Pleads Guilty to Stuffing Ballot Boxes


A former Judge of Elections in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, has been charged and pleaded guilty to illegally adding votes for Democrat candidates in judicial races in 2014, 2015, and 2016.

On Thursday, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced charges against former Judge of Elections Domenick DeMuro, 73, for stuffing the ballot box for Democrats in exchange for payment by a paid political consultant. More

21 Comments on PA Judge of Elections Pleads Guilty to Stuffing Ballot Boxes

  1. Ya don’t say. Now come look at California. My vote hasn’t meant shit here in 12 years. Elections are predetermined. And never for a conservative. When you receive 110% returns from counties it’s a dead give away. Happens all the time.

  2. Well, you conservatard rethugliKKKans stole coloreds from Africa so ALL’S FAIR! In 2016 I even cast a vote on beehalf of the little colored jockey on our front lawn, for JUSTICE! This year he’s going to vote twice, maybe three times !

  3. I trust Trump and I trust conservatives.

    Can’t trust the GOP. The Left will do whatever they’re allowed to get away with. Losing 2020 is going to hinge on the Rs, but all of us already know that.

  4. ..we had one that got caught stuffing ballot boxes for Obama…a slap on the wrist, Nzo checking to see if down ticket races were affected, and she’s a hero of the Democrats now and invited onstage at Donkey events…

    …no, not a smidgeon, eh? /s

  5. gin blossom
    MAY 22, 2020 AT 3:31 PM
    “He’ll get the justice he deserves about the same time that Hannity broadcasts a show without bringing up his karate workouts.”

    ..I gave up on Hannity when he turned Corona Yellow cause he was SO skeered to live in Noo Yawk and started calling for abrogation of the Constitution to make hisself feelz safe. He went full retard, even endorsing Cuomo the Nursing Home Murderer, so now he’s gone over to the enemy as far as I’m concerned.

    And he would NOT shut UP about it, either, it was a CONSTANT lather of self-justification with that one. I gave up and listen to music on the way home now…

  6. So I typically open up an entire page of new posts in multiple new tabs on my phone and just read thru- then click the next one.

    This one in particular cut off at the tab on a funny place; “PA Judge of Elections Pleads Guilty to Stuffing B-”

    So my first thought was, “Judge stuffed their bra???”

  7. chuffed-beyond-words
    MAY 22, 2020 AT 4:05 PM

    “…This one in particular cut off at the tab on a funny place; “PA Judge of Elections Pleads Guilty to Stuffing B-”

    So my first thought was, “Judge stuffed their bra???””

    …well, they cheat at everything ELSE, so yeah, probably…


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