PA Lawmakers Opt Out of the Fight, Won’t Meet Again This Year – IOTW Report

PA Lawmakers Opt Out of the Fight, Won’t Meet Again This Year

Washington Examiner

The Republican leaders of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives announced late Saturday that they will not be returning to session this year, a move that would appear to preclude any possibility of lawmakers interceding in the 2020 election.

House Speaker Bryan Cutler, R-Quarryville, and Majority Leader Kerry Benninghoff, R-Bellefonte [emphasis added], released a joint statement saying that they would not be calling their chamber to Harrisburg on Monday, the final possible day for the 2019-20 session of the Legislature to meet. More

27 Comments on PA Lawmakers Opt Out of the Fight, Won’t Meet Again This Year

  1. This is a very disappointing event. The PA legislature just walked away from the fight while knowing the vote was corrupted in their state. Of course, they issued the all too familiar, limp wristed Republican establishment, “Just wait till next time. We’ll really fight then!”

    Their parting words, “It is obvious Pennsylvania’s election processes are in dire need of repair,” they wrote. “Our work to ensure the chaos and confusion of the 2020 election are not repeated will continue in the next legislative session.”

  2. The Constitution only matters if people uphold it. Hopefully all the talk of the German server raid, foreign interference and Trump having enough loyal soldiers in the government is true otherwise I fear we are likely to have a Biden installation in January.

  3. “It is obvious Pennsylvania’s election processes are in dire need of repair,”


    PA is dead to me from this point on, unless its citizens rise up and fix their unworthy State.

  4. i guess they dont really understand that having a non-democrat in the White House HELPS them come election time.

    Then again, IMO, no one will primary the incumbent. In the general election we are stuck with a squishy R or an evil D. Not much of a choice. We choose the squish to help delay, if that is possible, the inevitable slide to serfdom.

  5. The Uni-party is strong in that state. Bunch of lazy turds who only show their faces come election time, and spend the rest of their time having parties on the taxpayer’s dime.

  6. If PA wants a preznit Buyden, I fully support his wrecking their fracking industry and impoverishing PA into the Dark Ages.

  7. Do your job. You are paid by the people in your state. If I didn’t do what I am paid for, I would be fired. Since you are a government employee, you can avoid that. WEENIES

  8. I’ve had it with Republicans. These panty-waist motherfuckers might as well be Pelosi’s lapdogs. Here’s a once in a lifetime opportunity for pols to stand up and make a historic difference, but they’re too worried about making waves or disturbing their polls. Even my “patriot” US Rep (R) has been 100% mum about Trump’s plight. Fuck him and everyone like him.

    A pox on them all. Don’t ask what I wish upon dRats.

  9. I hate to point it out but all you need do is look at the TOTAL FUCKING LACK OF OUTRAGE from ANY FUCKING GOP Congressmen. yeah you Tom Cotton

    A Laura Loomer would be on the Capital Steps screaming at the top of her lungs about this BULLSHIT.

    And how much support did she get from eh GOP in her race? yeah Even after all of her campaign ads were not allowed on any social media platform. Where was Ted Cruz or Jim Jordan or even Levin? NO FUCKING WHERE is where.

    Face it, and I hate to say it, but we are in the process of a full anal rape and unless someone ANYONE(Hello Bracken) issues some kind of a call to arms, this is it boys. These motherfuckers’ boots are gonna be on our faces until…forever.

    Once they have a totally unobstructed control of the levers of power in DC, our lives as we have known them ARE FUCKING OVER.

    Bet your last fucking nickel that getting our weapons is now their Priority #1.

  10. @Beachmom

    I understand your frustration and anger, but cats aren’t RINOs and RINOs aren’t cats.

    “Pussy” is actually, I think, a shortened version of “pusillanimous”, i.e., cowardly.

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