PA Rep. Summer Lee Questions DOD Over $41M Per Year Viagra Spending – IOTW Report

PA Rep. Summer Lee Questions DOD Over $41M Per Year Viagra Spending

Democrat Representative Summer Lee has questioned the Department of Defense over the military’s high allocation of funds towards seemingly frivolous expenses, especially Viagra.

This comes as in recent years, there has been an ongoing debate about the exorbitant military budget of the United States.

During a hearing in Pittsburgh on Wednesday, Rep. Lee directed a pointed question at John Tenaglia, a principal director at the Department of Defense. She asked about the average annual expenditure on Viagra within the military.

Me: How much does the military spend on Viagra each year?
Director of Defense Contracts: I don’t have that figured out.

Me: about $41.6 million.
Do you know how many bridges in my District of Pittsburgh could be repaired with that amount?— Congresswoman Summer Lee (@RepSummerLee) July 13, 2023

Tenaglia answered that he did not possess that information to which Lee quickly responded, revealing the figure to be approximately $41.6 million.

Lee drew a sharp contrast between this expenditure and the urgent infrastructural needs in her district, pointing out that the recent collapse of the Fern Hollow Bridge in Pittsburgh could be rebuilt with a fraction of the funds spent on Viagra, which amounted to $25.3 million. MORE

17 Comments on PA Rep. Summer Lee Questions DOD Over $41M Per Year Viagra Spending

  1. Decades ago, I worked with a guy who previously had been in a position to know. He told me the Pentagon actually screened the sewage leaving the facility to intercept smuggled info or other contraband. He said the number of condoms flushed down the Pentagon toilets every day is staggering.

  2. Like a typical dem, she misses the forest for the trees. It’s not the amount spent on Viagra that’s the issue, it is that ANY amount of taxpayer funds is used for this obvious frivolity.

    But since the GOP is equally culpable in overfeeding the Industrial War Machine, I guess this is better than spending money on Flunitrazepam (roofies), stupid gender surgeries, or even more ammo for the IRS.

  3. $41M is a fucking rounding error. The stupidity, waste and fraud built into what we used to call a budget-now CRs which is just a big pot of 40% fairy dust money-is staggering. Everyone in DC has their hand out.

    Time is running out for me to see the curtain go up.

  4. All I’m hearing is Viagra is overpriced, the military is prohibited from negotiating prices, and likely forstalled from prescribing generics (Sildenifil).

  5. SNS: A tip down memory lane.
    Gunny’s motivational talk nearly gave me a woody. Brings back memories of an impressional 18 yr. old boy in bootcamp in June of Summer ’69.

    In one year my skinny little ass was sent to VN. Gunny would have been proud of me, I did my duty.

    Like I was told by my Gunny at bootcamp, Vietnam was a shitty War, but it’s the only one we’ve got. ooohRahhh !

    Come to think of it, the politicians and the military complex always gets us involved in Shitty wars. Where untold $Billions are spent with no accountability and no intent of winning the wars.

    Shitty wars where our National youth, experienced Military NCOs and young Officers are sacrificed, chewed up and returned home to their families, forever changed.

    Yep, every war we’ve entered in the last 72 years of my life have been shitty Wars with no intent of winning at a horrendous loss of life.

    Our entire Nation has paid the highest possible price for shitty political Wars, for what did we gain?

  6. “… male combat veterans with PTSD reported having erectile dysfunction nearly four times as much as those who have not been diagnosed with a mental health issue.”

    wonder how much these mental midgets paid for this study? can I get in on this?
    what next? veterans without body parts are four times more likely to have a handicap than those that have not been diagnosed with a missing body part.
    good grief!

    don’t get me wrong. I think veterans get screwed royally for the butchery the political class throw them in, for no reason other than vote harvesting & enrichment of themselves.
    if they can get free viagra … go for it!

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