Grand Jury Witness Reportedly Hands Over to the Feds Sex Tapes Featuring Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs and Eight Celebrity ‘Victims’
— Including Two Underage Male Stars.
— Including Two Underage Male Stars.
GP: At Least 10 Democrat NY State Authorities Raid Home of Caretaker Who Raised Orphaned Squirrel Since Birth — Beloved Social Media Star ‘Peanut’ Seized and Tragically Euthanized: “Officers Raided [Read More]
NBC News Five people have been charged in Texas, accused of organizing and participating in an illegal cheating scheme that certified more than 200 unqualified teachers and saw the plot’s [Read More]
Tablet Magazine The same GOP staffer, who is currently working on a competitive congressional race, told me that one problem his campaign regularly faces is that aspects of Democratic governance [Read More]
Breitbart Restaurant chain TGI Fridays announced on Saturday it has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the news coming as numerous other similar businesses have done the same. According to Reuters, [Read More]
After watching these election officials receive their much-deserved comeuppance, I think I finally understand the alure slasher movies have with some people. Caution: gratuitous blood Watch
GP: Joe Biden on Saturday campaigned for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in Scranton, Pennsylvania at a Carpenters Local Union 445 event. He is actively sabotaging Kamala Harris. After calling [Read More]
GP Kamala Harris is so desperate to win the Arab and Jewish vote amid the ongoing Israel-Gaza war that she is running contradictory ads. According to CNN: The Pennsylvania ads [Read More]
RedState The inner turmoil among Democrats is already brewing with Election Day on the horizon and the inevitability that this will be a very close race. Democrats are already looking [Read More]
Dallas Express- An infographic from an ABC News affiliate called the presidential election in Pennsylvania at 5 p.m. on Sunday, October 27. The results appeared on the ticker at the [Read More]
Geller Report– Imagine what we don’t know.. Ballot box stuffing, illegals voting, machine hacking, massive mail in fraud, multiple voting, …. Federal judge tosses legal challenge to new Ohio rule [Read More]
Geller Report Democrats have been cheating for years. A judge in Arizona just ruled that the Democrat Secretary of State MUST immediately release the list of nearly 100,000 voters who [Read More]
American Thinker- By Monica Showalter For the world’s crummiest anti-American dictators, sometimes it’s not just the art of the deal for them in relations with President Trump. The left has criticized [Read More]
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