Alabama Senate Race
War is ugly. Political war against the swamp, while accepting their one-sided rules of engagement, is exponential hell. In order to gain victory, you have to be prepared to advance [Read More]
War is ugly. Political war against the swamp, while accepting their one-sided rules of engagement, is exponential hell. In order to gain victory, you have to be prepared to advance [Read More]
Fox is going to air a live performance of “A Christmas Story: The Musical” on December 17th. They’ve lined up Matthew Broderick to be the narrator and Maya Rudolph to be Ralphie’s [Read More]
DC: Texas Democratic Rep. Al Green had sex with a staffer who he said was a drug addict and then sued her when she threatened to go public with claims [Read More]
Express UK: The German Chancellor faces the end of her tenure in power, after 12 years at the helm of Europe’s largest economy, according to a key news correspondent. [Read More]
[…] However, Busby does admit to attending a fundraiser for Jones, though he denies ever donating to the Democrat candidate. Breitbart: Lee Busby, a retired Marine colonel and former aide to White [Read More]
[Al Franken seen groping a globe] Big Gov: With four separate women accusing Al Franken (D-MN) of groping them, the defiant U.S. senator went underground for the long weekend [Read More]
Breitbart: Schoolchildren at the White House were reportedly in awe of First Lady Melania Trump as she greeted them during a ceremony for the unveiling of Christmas decorations that she [Read More]
Someone tried to tell her she had a face leak springing from her batcave, but she shooed them away.
Kurt Schlichter Editor’s note: This column is satire. We’ve learned so much about what women face in the last few weeks, and you liberal men should take this as an [Read More]
Breitbart: The Boston Globe is still fearmongering over President Donald Trump’s policy ideas on immigration with another in a series of articles designed to create fear among the nation’s immigrants. The paper writes of [Read More]
Daily Caller: An eco-terrorist responsible for sabotaging an oil pipeline in North Dakota suggested Saturday that shutting down the multi-billion dollar line was necessary to defuse the ticking time bomb [Read More]
The “I am special because I’m filled with contrived sexual ambiguity” crowd has expanded their acronym. It is now: LGGBDTTTIQQAAP If I could give them a little advice, maybe they [Read More]
Daily Caller: A guest on ABC’s “This Week” Sunday suggested that some women don’t believe sexual harassment claims because they are used to much worse treatment. Veteran journalist Cokie Roberts [Read More]
DC: French President Emmanuel Macron announced a number of measures to combat violence against women Saturday, including a fine on “gender-based insults.” Macron marked the International Day for the Elimination of [Read More]
Buzzfeed is running an investigative feature on the nationwide chain Message Envy. They claim over 180 women accused the therapy giant of inappropriate touching and outright sexual assault. More I’m [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.