IOTW Report – Page 5382

Zapping Bats With UV Light

Wednesday, 25 October 2017, 16:30 Dr. Tar 12

Bat populations across the Northeast have been decimated by a fungal infection called white nose syndrome, which affects the animal’s respiratory system. Researchers are experimenting with ultra violet light to see [Read More]

Equidistant in Time

Wednesday, 25 October 2017, 15:16 BFH 40

Ann Barnhardt has a great post. It’s odd that she included me (and some dude named Van Der Loon.. or Lute… probably a new guy in the blogging scene) in [Read More]

We’re Looking At You, FBI

Wednesday, 25 October 2017, 13:30 Dr. Tar 16

With all the revelations surrounding the Steele dossier, the Clinton Campaign, the DNC, the Podesta Group and Paul Manafort, there’s one organization that is facing some tough questions today. So [Read More]

Mixed Signals To the Taliban

Wednesday, 25 October 2017, 12:45 Dr. Tar 9

While on his surprise tour of Afghanistan and Iraq Monday,  Secretary of State Rex Tillerson held out an olive branch to terrorists in that violent state, suggesting that perhaps there [Read More]

Midweek – Midday Smoothiness

Wednesday, 25 October 2017, 12:00 BFH 9

Want more? This is EXTRA soothy. If this doesn’t make you drift off for a siesta, you’re wound too tight. (But you have to watch.)

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