IOTW Report – Page 5415

OverArching Bishop of Canterbury

Monday, 9 October 2017, 12:11 BFH 28

When asked if gay sex was sinful, the Archbishop of Cantebury, Justin Welby, said the following- (Lifesitenews reporting) “You know very well that is a question I can’t give a [Read More]

The League of Extraordinary Candidates

Monday, 9 October 2017, 9:30 BFH 12

Economic Nationalist Leaders Plan for Anti-Establishment Midterm Tsunami to Force Change. Conservatives and economic nationalist leaders are looking past the current dysfunction in Washington to a group of new and [Read More]

Before And After

Monday, 9 October 2017, 2:00 MJA 4

New York Now and Then shows before and after photos from New York City shot 1872-1887 compared to my photos shot 2013 and 2014. New York Now and Then includes [Read More]

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