Fake News: NBC’s Pete Williams Says ‘White’ Cop Killed Black Driver Philando Castile
NB: NBC reporter Pete Williams needs to offer a correction for a story on Thursday’s Nightly News. In a story on how Cobb County, Georgia is moving to fire a policeman [Read More]
Antifa Classified as Domestic Terrorists by Obama’s DHS in 2016
Newsmax: The Department of Homeland Security in 2016 formally classified the actions of the anarchist group Antifa as “domestic terrorist violence,” Politico reported. Federal authorities have been warning state and local officials of Antifa’s [Read More]
KTVU News Anchor Tells of ‘Experiencing Hate Firsthand’ from Antifa at Berkeley
NB: It’s amazing, but someone in the media actually wrote something about how awful Antifa is – and gave a firsthand account. Frank Somerville, anchors the 5, 6, and 10 [Read More]
President Trump Rips James Comey’s ‘Rigged’ Hillary Investigation
Hannity: President Trump slammed the FBI’s investigation over Hillary Clinton’s private email server on Friday, blasting former director James Comey for “exonerating” the doomed Presidential nominee months “before the investigation [Read More]
Open Letter To Antifa
Fox has a great story, an Open Letter to Antifa. Slams them good, calls them out for what they are: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/09/01/open-letter-to-antifa.html The feel-good read of the day. — [Read More]
Teachable Moment by Leigh Scott
I see a lot of people saying “Sure, Trump SAID he was giving a million dollars, but I’ll believe that when I see it. He’s notorious for saying he’s going [Read More]
Obama Set To Become Nation’s Most Costly Ex-President
DMF: Harry Truman entered politics as a former Army officer and business man who took his turn as a citizen legislator. Through oratory, happenstance and tragedy he wound up President. He [Read More]
Barack Says 35% of Firms Building His Library Must Go To Minorities
DW- Before construction of President Obama’s future library can commence, contractors must first show they will hire minorities to work on the construction teams. “The Obama Foundation is asking the [Read More]
President Trump signed a declaration in the Oval Office this afternoon to make Sunday a National Day of Prayer for the victims of Hurricane Harvey
Fox- President Trump signed a declaration in the Oval Office this afternoon to make Sunday a National Day of Prayer for the victims of Hurricane Harvey. Trump and the First [Read More]
Why Is Harvey Not A ‘Katrina’ For The Press?
It has all the necessary elements to serve as the perfect political whipping post; a large diverse urban community struck by a natural disaster, people of social economic backgrounds stranded [Read More]
Kenya’s Odinga Declares Election “Corrupt” – Supreme Court Agrees and a New Election is Declared
Nairobi, Kenya | AFP | Kenya’s Supreme Court today declared the results of last month’s presidential poll “invalid, null and void” and ordered the election be re-run within 60 days. “The [Read More]
Italian Strongman Largely Solves the Migrant Crisis
VDARE: From Voice of America: IOM: No Reports of Migrant Deaths in Mediterranean in Past 20 Days August 29, 2017 2:35 PM GENEVA — The International Organization for Migration reports no [Read More]
Watchdog: Nunes Should Retake House Russia Investigation
LZ: Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) should say enough is enough, and retake the House investigation into Russian hacking that may have affected the 2016 presidential election. So says Tom Fitton, [Read More]
A glimpse at the life of an “AntiFascist”
They are what they “hate.”