IOTW Report – Page 5559

America is a Downright Mean Country

Tuesday, 1 August 2017, 19:30 BFH 18

Troubling Report Confirms Roads Not Paved With Gold – Many Americans Forced Into Labor. WASHINGTON—In a sobering new report that lays bare a hard truth about today’s economy, the U.S. [Read More]

Meet Kevin Allred

Tuesday, 1 August 2017, 16:47 BFH 43

  NYPD just came to my house bc Rutgers Police told them i’m a threat based on political statements i’ve made on campus and on twitter. — Kevin Allred (@KevinAllred) November [Read More]

Green Delusions and the Wind Bully

Tuesday, 1 August 2017, 16:45 MJA 12

  AT: Green ideology is a collection of beliefs and superstitions that have been elevated into a religious cult.  The green cult is rife with contradictions and dogma.  For example, [Read More]

Not Another Charlie Gard!

Tuesday, 1 August 2017, 13:26 BFH 13

The UK’s DEADLY Socialized Medicine Death Panel threatens to pull the plug on yet ANOTHER infant as little Alfie Evan’s parents look for help from specialists in the United States. [Read More]

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