Dems and Repubs Manage To Pass Legislation Because of Trump/Russia Fantasy
Newser– It turns out Democrats and Republicans can work together to get legislation done. Reuters reports representatives on both sides of the aisle have agreed on legislation that allows for new sanctions against Russia, Iran, [Read More]
If the Dems Are Worried About Russia Undermining American Politics, Why Do They Believe What the Russian Ambassador Has To Say?
If the Russians want to screw with the United States, just like the dems believe, why wouldn’t something a Russian ambassador says, a statement that could damage our system, be [Read More]
A Man, A Plan, A Wall
If there is a way, Trump will find it. dc- President Donald Trump plans to use anti-terror law to avoid undergoing a years-long environmental impact study for a large section [Read More]
Minnesota Girl bitten 25 times in lake
What a lovely smile. The Globe: ‘She could feel her foot in its mouth’: Minn. girl bitten 25 times in lake, possibly by muskie. DULUTH, Minn.—Ryan Kesselhon couldn’t figure out [Read More]
Shia LaBeouf’s sanity destroyed by the Left
Jay Fayza of looks into what caused Shia Labeouf to become violent and lose his grip on reality.
Scarborough’s Original Music- He Thinks of It After He Hears It
I reviewed Joe Scarborough’s music the other day, and the one thing I kept hammering away at was that his music is derivative of other music. He has no cohesive [Read More]
Shoveling Shizer in Seattle
Liberalism is a mental illness and a pathway to societal suicide. It’s not only incompatible with civilization; it’s incompatible with survival. AWD: There’s nothing like examining the sheer bedlam that [Read More]
ICYMI – Color Description on Walmart Product Was.. uh… Colorful
Ok @Walmart, you got some splaining' to do! You're not a mom-and-pop shop. How does something like this happen?! #NiggerBrown — Charles M. Blow (@CharlesMBlow) July 17, 2017 I [Read More]
Time Writer With a Homoerotic Craving To Have Trump Bully Him
Joel Stein is punching up. He’s trying, admittedly, to induce Trump into bashing him by endlessly insulting him. But Trump, tragically, is ignoring him. It’s sort of the way homosexual [Read More]
Trump Cuts the Fat and the Fat Complains
The Federalist- Joel Clement, a top climate policy official at the U.S. Department of Interior, has proclaimed himself a whistleblower. What is the grave injustice or illegal activity has he [Read More]
Maxine Waters claims 2020 talk intended to ‘discredit’ her
[Maxine Waters on her way to New Hampshire] American Mirror: Maxine Waters played the victim on Friday night after The American Mirror reported on Thursday that the California congresswoman would be [Read More]
Yemen Sets New World Record With Cholera
In setting a new world record, the Muslim nation of Yemen has outdistanced Haiti for having the most Cholera cases in one year- and it’s only July. Save the Children [Read More]
Suddenly after 100 Years of a happy marriage the media and left are demanding a divorce from the Russians
TOTUS: Some of you are old enough to remember the days when those on the political right were the only ones warning Americans of the dangers coming from what was [Read More]
Former Director of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson concerned that Trump is scaring all the illegals away
You silly bastiges, you thought Homeland Security was about securing the border? An Obama administration lackey is telling you straight out that they don’t want the illegals to stop flooding [Read More]