It’s Tolerance Or Survival In America
Blazing Cat Fur: So Surveil All Mosques! It’s time to surveil all mosques in America. It should have been done following the attack on September 11, 2001. But President Bush assured [Read More]
Blazing Cat Fur: So Surveil All Mosques! It’s time to surveil all mosques in America. It should have been done following the attack on September 11, 2001. But President Bush assured [Read More]
Sac Bee- Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon put the brakes on a sweeping plan to overhaul the health care market in California Friday, calling the bill “woefully incomplete.” Rendon announced plans [Read More]
Heh. Via Politcal Clown Parade.
Ice Age Now: “Nearly every single weather station the U.S. government uses to measure the country’s surface temperature may be compromised.” From the article” (Click on highlighted city for photo [Read More]
BCN: Abortion advocates have been trying to discredit and shut down David Daleiden ever since he embarrassed Planned Parenthood with a series of secretly recorded videos of abortionists and others [Read More]
Yeah, right. I’m sure it’s way more than 1.4 mil. KFI: The IRS’ inspector general released a new report yesterday that reveals that most illegal immigrants who pay taxes have stolen [Read More]
But leave the credit intact! Idea by pogo.
Diogenes’ Middle Finger: Why We Can’t Have Nice Things! The World Taekwondo Federation announced Friday it was rebranding itself as “World Taekwondo” because it is too pure for this dirty [Read More]
CFP: No rancher’s cattle straying away to graze the grass on land the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) considers their own will ever get away with it. While seven ranchers [Read More]
FOX News: Eric Trump is hitting out at the hateful attacks toward his family, including his pregnant wife and younger siblings. President Trump’s second-oldest son, in an interview with Maria [Read More]
CFL: On Saturday, Mary Beth Williams, a writer for the rabid left-wing Salon, accidentally revealed the left’s racist views on illegal immigrants with a tweet in which she presupposes that [Read More]
Thank you for asking! It’s 7 years behind schedule, way over priced, and there’s in-fighting. CPR: Void in Leadership Continues for California High-Speed Rail. Four months after then-California High Speed [Read More]
ADF: What is discrimination? Historically, the term had more neutral, even positive, connotations (i.e., Mr. Bingley of Pride and Prejudice has “discriminating” taste), implying a person’s ability to make a [Read More]
Acculturated: […] In the end, all the celebrity endorsements meant nothing. To gain an understanding of how little their influence meant to the race, Jon Ossoff received fewer votes (124,893) [Read More]
Boston Herald/Howie Carr : Carr: Mobster’s life tells real story of the FBI Peter Limone, a Mafia soldier from the North End who just died at the age of 83, spent [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.