Stephen Hawking is a genius, when it comes to scamming people
American Thinker: You have to admire genius. The global warming crowd has been getting rich predicting that the world will end in the distant future in a dramatic fashion. We [Read More]
American Thinker: You have to admire genius. The global warming crowd has been getting rich predicting that the world will end in the distant future in a dramatic fashion. We [Read More]
The 2017 guide on how to help in any situation. h/t MLM
DC: The fishing industry is worried the first offshore wind farm to come online in the U.S. will ruin their way of life and kill jobs. An offshore wind turbine [Read More]
Expect Susan Collins to try to maintain federal funding of Planned Parenthood when it comes time for the Senate to derive its own replacement bill for Obamacare. At least that’s [Read More]
WFB: More than 100 veterans died while waiting for care at a Veterans Affairs hospital in Los Angeles, Calif., over a nine-month span ending in August 2015, according to [Read More]
When the FBI arrested the administrator of a pedophile file-sharing site, Playpen, they kept it going for weeks and hacked the computers of 1,000 participants. The fruits of that investigation [Read More]
Go visit Bamboo Bob on Facebook. h/t Dave.
Withdraw from the UN Convention on Climate Change from wattsupwiththat (WUWT) Richard Lindzen Petition to President Trump: Withdraw from the UN Convention on Climate Change Dr. Richard Lindzen has sent [Read More]
You remember Sally Yates, she’s the Obama holdover in the Justice Department who got fired for disobeying her new boss. She’s going to be in the news again tomorrow [Read More]
Macron is France’s youngest president, at 39. And here’s the first lady of France- [getty] 64 year old Brigitte Macron who was her husband’s former schoolteacher blew a kiss to [Read More]
WFB: Australian billionaire and manufacturing CEO Anthony Pratt said Friday on Fox Business that he is investing $2 billion in the United States because he has “confidence” in President Trump. [Read More]
KFI: Yesterday a man was arrested on suspicion of robbery, but that’s not why his story is making the rounds. It turns out he’s a fitness model from [Read More]
DC: Canadian Report Explains Why Clinton Lost 2016 Election A report prepared by the Canadian Embassy in Washington, D.C. attempted to explain the shock of Hillary Clinton’s loss to Donald [Read More]
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