Enraged woman attacked man because of his xylophone playing KFI: Here’s a story that could only come out of Florida, where a woman was charged in connection with a xylophone [Read More]
Enraged woman attacked man because of his xylophone playing KFI: Here’s a story that could only come out of Florida, where a woman was charged in connection with a xylophone [Read More]
Corrine “Go Gators” Brown is accused of fraud and conspiracy and the case is in front of a jury. It’s not going well. Two of her co-conspirators have pled guilty, [Read More]
The Smithsonian received 48,000 submissions to its photo contest. What are the odds that the editors would pick, as its winner, Muslim women in burqas praying in a mosque? About [Read More]
I am getting thoroughly sick and tired of hearing from “Steve from Microsoft” calling me at all hours, with his Indian accent and repetitive line of bullsh!t… The rant is here
ISIS jihadis waiting in ambush to kill people fleeing Sharia were recently trampled by stampeding boars.
CFP: I’m not sure why this took so long. Maybe the young, fresh, face of the Democrat Party, Bernie Sanders, is getting slow in his old age. Whatever the reason, the [Read More]
Egg Films’ Slim directed the latest Saatchi & Saatchi ad for Armstrong, about an undercover bar that converts into a business when the men’s wives come to check in on [Read More]
After every terrorist attack, politicians and pundits reassure us that the atrocity does not represent the true beliefs of the “moderate Muslim majority.” But how many moderates are there? [Read More]
From MBigBeaver- The VA that I do some contract work for has a large number of men transitioning to women. The average age is 64. Got that. 64 years old [Read More]
CFP: It seems like months ago now – wait, it was months ago – that the one-foot-out-the-door Barack Obama was pushing through as many executive orders as he could in [Read More]
Grade him HERE
Remember when the crazy lady said Szechuan Sauce packets at McDonald’s was racist? The NY Times has picked up the ball and is now running with it. A writer named [Read More]
A defining moment in black resistance, says Maxine Waters. In the hospital, Reginald Denny wanted to know what he did. You were white, Reggie. You were white.
Patriot Retort: Well, Cosmopolitan is super upset that so many people are attacking the ubiquitous Chelsea Clinton. “How Dare Chelsea Clinton, a Well-Educated, Accomplished Woman, Share Her Opinions.” I don’t [Read More]
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