Door to Door Communism
Marxist communists have begun walking door to door, seeking reparations from wealthy people. It’s called the “Stolen Land/Hoarded Resources Tour.” “Activists” knock on your door and ask you to turn over [Read More]
Marxist communists have begun walking door to door, seeking reparations from wealthy people. It’s called the “Stolen Land/Hoarded Resources Tour.” “Activists” knock on your door and ask you to turn over [Read More]
patriot Retort: Good grief, as if suffering from Lupus isn’t already hard. Now these idiot feminists are giving me a bad case of Feminist Whiplash. Yesterday, while the French were [Read More]
Faith Goldy of went online to renew her Canadian gun license, and noticed an exception to the usual regulation requiring a photograph, citing religious exemption. She contacted the RCMP [Read More]
Just As Obama Did Here.
Gavin McInnes says feminism is no longer dedicated to equality, but to emasculating men, especially little boys.
American Lookout: Did you ever think Bernie Sanders would defend Ann Coulter from angry liberals? It happened this weekend. Bernie was talking to the Huffington Post and he actually stuck up [Read More]
American Lookout: One of the most laughable and non-credible news hosts, Rachel Maddow, blamed the violence and riots in Venezuela on President Trump. Now MSNBC is apologizing for her fake [Read More]
USUKI, Oita — A man found living in the attic of a public toilet in a park here had been there for the last three years before he was arrested [Read More]
What if the President were to revoke Congress’ exemption from Obamacare? Perhaps it would light a fire under our representatives to repeal it. All he has to do is order the [Read More]
What? I think he did an excellent job. h/t Michael Mac
Unedited, un-airbrushed pictures of Kim Kardashian have surfaced, and it ain’t pretty. Normally I wouldn’t care about such things, but the Kardashians have so much to make fun of. 1: The [Read More]
Gun Watch: The Pennsylvania legislature is aiming to enforce their strong firearms preemption law. A similar enforcement law was enacted in 2014, but was struck down in 2016. The state [Read More]
ILLEGAL ALIEN KIDNAPPED, REPEATEDLY RAPED AUTISTIC WOMAN. GREENE COUNTY, MO (KOLR) – Two men, one who is an undocumented resident living in the United States illegally, have been charged with [Read More]
Bill Nye apparently couldn’t get his latest effort on basic cable, so he’s taken it to Netflix. There are 13 episodes of “Bill Nye Saves The World” in the hopper, with [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.