Dirty Art
street artist makes art out of your dirty vehicle. ht/ annie
street artist makes art out of your dirty vehicle. ht/ annie
Hey pussy hatter club- Your phone’s ringing… FOX: A top New York Times editor decided the paper shouldn’t use the term “female genital mutilation” because the phrase is too “culturally [Read More]
I’m not French and I’ve been inspired by this ad to love France, root for France, aspire to have France be… French. ht/ Annie
Marxist communists have begun walking door to door, seeking reparations from wealthy people. It’s called the “Stolen Land/Hoarded Resources Tour.” “Activists” knock on your door and ask you to turn over [Read More]
patriot Retort: Good grief, as if suffering from Lupus isn’t already hard. Now these idiot feminists are giving me a bad case of Feminist Whiplash. Yesterday, while the French were [Read More]
Faith Goldy of TheRebel.media went online to renew her Canadian gun license, and noticed an exception to the usual regulation requiring a photograph, citing religious exemption. She contacted the RCMP [Read More]
Just As Obama Did Here.
Gavin McInnes says feminism is no longer dedicated to equality, but to emasculating men, especially little boys.
American Lookout: Did you ever think Bernie Sanders would defend Ann Coulter from angry liberals? It happened this weekend. Bernie was talking to the Huffington Post and he actually stuck up [Read More]
American Lookout: One of the most laughable and non-credible news hosts, Rachel Maddow, blamed the violence and riots in Venezuela on President Trump. Now MSNBC is apologizing for her fake [Read More]
USUKI, Oita — A man found living in the attic of a public toilet in a park here had been there for the last three years before he was arrested [Read More]
What if the President were to revoke Congress’ exemption from Obamacare? Perhaps it would light a fire under our representatives to repeal it. All he has to do is order the [Read More]
What? I think he did an excellent job. h/t Michael Mac
Unedited, un-airbrushed pictures of Kim Kardashian have surfaced, and it ain’t pretty. Normally I wouldn’t care about such things, but the Kardashians have so much to make fun of. 1: The [Read More]
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