Earth Day Is Just Too White
DMF: An in article by Emily Atkin, published yesterday in the lefty rag New Republic titled, “Earth Day Is Too White and Out of Touch With Reality,” she argues that [Read More]
DMF: An in article by Emily Atkin, published yesterday in the lefty rag New Republic titled, “Earth Day Is Too White and Out of Touch With Reality,” she argues that [Read More]
Second Parchment Copy Of Declaration Of Independence Found — In England The Boston Globe News The newly discovered document — which Harvard researchers have dated to the 1780s — was [Read More]
Conservative Treehouse: President Trump delivers the weekly address from the White House for April 21st 2017: [Transcript] My Fellow Americans, A new optimism is sweeping our country as we return [Read More]
…that Jenner dude who inverted his penis and got implants.
Daily Wire- An executive order pausing refugees and immigration from six Islamic countries. An executive order cracking down on sanctuary cities. The aforementioned executive order also stated the wall will start [Read More]
Ehab Jaber, a Muslim man living in South Dakota, caused an uproar when he recorded himself online showing off several firearms and making threatening comments. The Facebook Live rant took [Read More]
PHenry sent this to me, and it reminds me a lot of one of my favorite shows – Impractical Jokers. (Yes, I know those guys laughs are irritating. I’m numb [Read More]
NYP: The US Department of Justice on Friday gave New York City and eight other local governments that provide “sanctuary” to illegal immigrants until June 30 to prove they’re not [Read More]
Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young are thinking about getting back together, even after Nash avowed never to speak to David Crosby again. Why? Their mutual hatred for Donald Trump. Nash [Read More]
EAG: OKEECHOBEE, Fla. – A 10-year-old student with autism went in to Okeechobee Achievement Academy on Wednesday to take a state standardized test, and he left in handcuffs to face [Read More]
The two teenage girls are accused of lighting a “Make America Great Again” sign on fire in Princess Anne, Md. Princess Anne deputy chief fire marshal Caryn. L McMahon told [Read More]
In a surprising move, the New York Times has apologized for publishing Fake News in an attempt to make President Trump look bad
WFB: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) asked Twitter on Friday how many yachts and cars billionaires need to be satisfied, writing that they “can’t have it all.” The former presidential [Read More]
Conservative Angle: The FBI has finally decided that it needs to do its job, but apparently, it’ll be done quietly. After months of scamming the American public, the intelligence agency [Read More]
The (D)eath of the Anti-American, Anti-Life, Anti-Capitalism, Pro Communism, Pro anarchy, (D)emocrat party continues as RNC announces it raised $41.5 million in quarter one 2017- the strongest-ever total for a [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.