Let There Be Pork!
Denmark Sends Message to Muslim Migrants. Did somebody say bacon?
The Storm Is Coming!!!!!!
Gotta get the BREAD AND MILK! MMMMMMmmmmm! Milk This!
The Essayist Papers
NRO has published the essays by a handpicked group of self-identified conservatives who make the case against a Donald Trump presidency. Strangely omitted from these essays are the essayist’s pick for [Read More]
BREAKING: National Review Dis-Invited from GOP Debate after Attack on Donald Trump
From the Gateway Pundit Tonight National Review was disinvited from the February GOP debate after its very public rebuke of Donald Trump. STORY HERE
FBI Successfully Recovers Hillary Clinton’s Deleted Emails
With few details at the moment, IOTW Report has learned that the FBI has been able to recover Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails. According to Catherine Herridge, “The FBI was able [Read More]
Catch up on Clinton history and buy some cigars
Video here or here. Now, about those Cigars…
Where all the white men at?
Breitbart: In a move certain to infuriate the left, Breitbart Tech Editor Milo Yiannopoulos has created the Yiannopoulos Privilege Grant, “a scholarship exclusively available to white men who wish to [Read More]
Clueless – National Review Commissions William Kristol and Erick Erickson To Pen Essays Imploring Voters To DumpTrump
GantDaily The issue features a blistering editorial that labels Trump a threat to conservatism, as well as essays by 22 prominent conservative thinkers from various ideological factions, in opposition to [Read More]
Anti-gunner Mikulski on 2nd: “Let’s not get involved in constitutional arguments”
Menrec: During a Senate hearing on President Obama’s use of executive orders to curb the constitutional authority granted by the Second Amendment, Maryland Senator Barbara Mikulski said she didn’t want to [Read More]
Stacey Dash just found out she is no longer black
Tweet of the Day: White lib says black conservative who criticized Oscar boycott no longer black.
The Case For Cruz Over Trump
Doug Ross, the author of this piece, wants to make it clear that he would still vote for Trump if he beats Cruz. But he strongly prefers Cruz to Trump, [Read More]
Marco Rubio: Why Is The Establishment Attacking Me?
I’m not establishment, he is. Breitbart: That’s the argument that presidential candidates are making on the campaign trail as they vow to take on the establishment in Washington D.C.