Transgenders Want It All
A woman who thinks she is a man because she grew a beard, lopped off her tits and changed her name demands that we all think of her as a [Read More]
A woman who thinks she is a man because she grew a beard, lopped off her tits and changed her name demands that we all think of her as a [Read More]
YouTube- (edited for clarity) …a veteran who landed in the hospital in September after suffering a heart attack had 2 dogs, Bailey and Blaze, and no one to take care of [Read More]
Where have all the honey bees gone and how are our crops getting pollinated if bee colonies are collapsing all around us? Turns out honey bees are doing just fine [Read More]
President Obama commuted the sentences of 95 offenders and pardoned two others on Friday raising his total to 184. Each received a letter from the President on their way [Read More]
Armchair analysis expected –
Former President Jimmy Carter’s grandson dies unexpectedly aged just 28 after ‘taking a nap because he felt unwell’
If Cruz does start to overtake Trump, do you think he will raise the eligibility issue? And if he does, how will you react?
ht/ KPark
Publius‘Forum: Every year I post a piece about the shocking truth about Kwanzaa- That it is a racist holiday created by a rapist and torturer who poses as a “professor.” [Read More]
VGB: Pass the Kleenex. Never did Portland’s famed “Keep Portland Weird” sign promise to the skinny-jean, handle-bar mustached set that the city was to “Keep Portland Affordable for the Artsy-Fartsy [Read More]
ht/ wisco dave
JihadWatch: This is in accord with the Muslim belief that anytime a sexual sin, crime, or indiscretion is committed, it is the woman’s fault. This is why Islamic law mandates [Read More]
Some douchewagon named Andrew Cheung started a petition to remove Trump’s name from land that Trump donated to the state. He’s even got support from a state senator – Dan Squadron. [Read More]
Jeb Bush calls Donald Trump “a jerk”. Then says “you can not insult your way to the Presidency.”
IJR: So, how do liberals get their wish for a disarmed, subservient population? Because all this talk of gun banning – and now they are finally admitting that they want to [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.