Why the Nation Should Ignore President Obama
Conservative Review: [Dan Bongino] America is still suffering from one of the bloodiest terror attacks on American soil in recent history. So what does this abject failure of a president [Read More]
Conservative Review: [Dan Bongino] America is still suffering from one of the bloodiest terror attacks on American soil in recent history. So what does this abject failure of a president [Read More]
PageSix: Ronnie Wood is a 68-year-old grandfather, and now he’s readying to become a dad of twins. The Rolling Stones guitarist is married to 37-year-old Sally Humphreys, who is younger than two of her [Read More]
Please go to JebBush.com 😉 Don’t believe me? Type it in.
According to media reports, an unknown individual threw a thunder flash at people on the bus stop. Most likely, the explosive was thrown out of a window of a passing [Read More]
WaTimes: Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas on Monday blasted Democrats’ recent gun control push in the wake of the attack in San Bernardino, saying “a free and armed American citizenry is how [Read More]
Speaking about violence towards abortionists, and abortion mills: Words matter. When we dehumanize people…we make it easier for others to do them harm. Violent anti-choice rhetoric must end, or anti-abortion [Read More]
They don’t call it Detroilet for nuthin’. ht/ rob e.
Paul Kengor’s book, “Takedown: From Communist to Progressives, How the Left Has Sabotaged Family and Marriage,” provides a historical prospective of the centuries long assault on marriage and family as [Read More]
BigGovernment: In the wake of the San Bernardino jihad slaughter, Obama’s jihad denial took a malevolent and tyrannical turn. The day after a horrific ISIS rampage, Obama’s Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, [Read More]
A white woman, a REPUBLICAN white woman, just won a legislative seat in a Georgia district that is 63% black. It’s an area that saw Obama receive 72% of the [Read More]
BigGovernment: The same Baptist pastor from Ohio who led a group of faith leaders pressuring then-Speaker of the House Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) to investigate and defund Planned Parenthood is now throwing [Read More]
HT/ WiscoDave
BigJournalism: On December 6 the Associated Press pointed out that California’s aggressive gun control laws–expanded background checks, heavy regulations on “assault weapons,” and other regulations–all proved impotent to stop the San [Read More]
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