Cruz Fought Amnesty, Rubio Fought Conservatives
Rubio was promoting his bill as ‘enforcement first’ even as he was voting down amendments to make the bill do just that.
James and the Giant Onion
The moment when Salon finally passed The Onion. Only difference is The Onion knows it's a parody site… — James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) November 14, 2015
Sweden Descends into Anarchy
Gatestone: Once upon a time, there was a safe welfare state called Sweden, where people rarely locked their doors. Now, this country is a night-watchman state — each man is [Read More]
The Tiger Is Killing Us
From the Bullpen by Chris Cassone Flash Fiction short story inspired by Jean Giraudoux’s Tiger at the Gates, only now it seems to be coming true. There is a tiger [Read More]
Wake Up, Infidels!
ht/Ang Ray
Reminder: BYU Takes on Mizzou Tonight at 7:30 ET
UPDATE: Friggin’ Mormons. You can’t count on them for anything. Las Vegas Bowl-bound BYU is expected to destroy Mizzou tonight, and I hope
Illegals are being booted from Obamacare
GodfatherPolitics: We’ve seen reports how states like California are allowing illegal aliens to enroll in the state Obamacare exchanges and most of them are receiving government subsidies. Yep, that’s right! [Read More]
Eiffel Peace Sign
Meet the artist behind this image –
New Dummy Litmus Test – If You’re Sporting This Image You May Be Part of the Problem
Is this a “wish” for peace? Keep wishing while doing nothing about what is causing the opposite of peace – MUSLIMS. Want to hear from another worthless bint with his [Read More]
Oh Hill No!
Found on Twitter:
John Kerry, Once Again, Enlists James Taylor For Muslim Outreach in Wake of Paris Massacre
I’ll let the reader who made this step forward if they want to. Update: Okay, this received enough positive reviews that I will reveal the reader. He sends me these [Read More]
France vows to punish ISIS for fatal Paris attacks
NYP: PARIS — French President Francois Hollande vowed to attack the Islamic State group without mercy as the jihadist group admitted responsibility Saturday for orchestrating the deadliest attacks on France [Read More]
BigGovernment: The Pew Research Center has discovered that young woman are living at home, or are living with a relative, at rate last seen during the 1940s.