Who Dis?
Lena Dunham has some crap to sell
Lena Dunham Launches Online Store for Feminist Merchandise. SNIP: feel free to leave product suggestions in the comments.
Wisconsin: Democrat John Chisholm Faces Massive Law Suits
PC Graveyard: Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm is currently facing one civil rights lawsuits, with many more being prepared as we speak. Chisholm was responsible for the Nazi-like raids [Read More]
Ef You Police Haters
Listen to what this police officer says when he is helping people evacuate from inside the center that was under siege by terrorists. I’m not going to post what he [Read More]
Leaked GOPe Strategy Memo: Be Trump-like (Even If You Have To Fake It)
He’s On To Something…
The Longer Authorities Hold Back On Berdoo Terror Shooting Info They Supposedly Know, The More I Am Convinced They Will Not Be Able To Vet Middle Eastern Refugees
Just who the frig is this Tashfeen Malik? There are no records of her, there is no info on her, there are no pictures of her. She’s a mystery. There [Read More]
Top Carson fundraiser quits campaign
WaExaminer: A top fundraiser to Ben Carson’s presidential campaign reportedly quit Wednesday after unsuccessfully trying to reinstate an ousted adviser. Bill Millis, once a member of a three-person fundraising board [Read More]
Thoughtless and Evil D-Bags of the Left
Twitchy and Breitbart have been documenting the demented reactions from numerous leftists toward Republicans conveying their condolences to the terrorist victims in San Bernardino through “thoughts and prayers.” Here and Here [Read More]
Mr. Pinko says: My new answer to gun grab nuts.
Mr. Pinko says: “How about we go into Chicago with the military and grab every single friggin’ gun Nazi style – house by house? Start with Chicago, then Detroit, etc.. [Read More]
Mr. Pinko says: “THANK YOU CLOCK BOY!”
Although neighbors of Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik recently noticed “suspicious activity” they were afraid to report it because they didn’t want to be accused of profiling. OR risk [Read More]
Ted Cruz gets snippy with ICE director
WaExaminer: …”You mentioned a minute ago that ICE could deport the 12 million people here illegally. Why is not doing so?” Cruz asked. “Why is it not enforcing the law?” [Read More]
Talitha Kum
Named for a phrase from the Bible, when Jesus directed, “Little girl, I say to you, get up,” Talitha Kum is an organization of Catholic nuns who fight prostitution and [Read More]
Photo of Tashfeen Malik
This is purportedly a photo of Tashfeen, pictured with Syed Rizwan Farook. I dunno. This could be his sister. And I definitely do not like the garb. This is more [Read More]