IOTW Report – Page 6986

A Real Bell Ringer

Thursday, 3 December 2015, 20:15 Dr. Tar 15

A Salvation Army red kettle at the Cub Foods in Minneapolis was blessed recently with a check for $500,000 from a couple who want to remain anonymous. More

The Dark Triad

Thursday, 3 December 2015, 18:45 Dr. Tar 50

Personality researchers have been studying the interrelationship between narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy since the claim in the late 90s that they were pretty much interchangeable.    Called the Dark Triad, [Read More]

Ef You Police Haters

Thursday, 3 December 2015, 16:23 BFH 23

Listen to what this police officer says when he is helping people evacuate from inside the center that was under siege by terrorists. I’m not going to post what he [Read More]

Top Carson fundraiser quits campaign

Thursday, 3 December 2015, 15:00 MJA 5

WaExaminer: A top fundraiser to Ben Carson’s presidential campaign reportedly quit Wednesday after unsuccessfully trying to reinstate an ousted adviser. Bill Millis, once a member of a three-person fundraising board [Read More]

Thoughtless and Evil D-Bags of the Left

Thursday, 3 December 2015, 14:00 Dr. Tar 3

Twitchy and Breitbart have been documenting the demented reactions from numerous leftists toward Republicans conveying their condolences to the terrorist victims in San Bernardino through “thoughts and prayers.” Here and Here [Read More]

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