IOTW Report – Page 7008

James and the Giant Onion

Saturday, 14 November 2015, 19:36 BFH 4

The moment when Salon finally passed The Onion. Only difference is The Onion knows it's a parody site… — James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) November 14, 2015

Sweden Descends into Anarchy

Saturday, 14 November 2015, 19:00 MJA 9

Gatestone: Once upon a time, there was a safe welfare state called Sweden, where people rarely locked their doors. Now, this country is a night-watchman state — each man is [Read More]

The Tiger Is Killing Us

Saturday, 14 November 2015, 18:00 Claudia 15

From the Bullpen by Chris Cassone Flash Fiction short story inspired by Jean Giraudoux’s Tiger at the Gates, only now it seems to be coming true. There is a tiger [Read More]

Illegals are being booted from Obamacare

Saturday, 14 November 2015, 17:00 MJA 7

GodfatherPolitics: We’ve seen reports how states like California are allowing illegal aliens to enroll in the state Obamacare exchanges and most of them are receiving government subsidies. Yep, that’s right! [Read More]

Not Enough French Were Killed Today

Saturday, 14 November 2015, 13:15 BFH 60

UPDATE 2: The Twitter confusion should never have been. The initial comment by the influential tweeter was endorsing the post. He said, “Snooze Button.” I got it, but immediately saw a [Read More]


Saturday, 14 November 2015, 13:00 MJA 5

BigGovernment: MILWAUKEE — As if Jeb Bush’s campaign were not already finished, the candidate drilled several additional screws into his own coffin during Tuesday night’s debate. “Even having this conversation sends [Read More]

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