IOTW Report – Page 7122

Luis Guttersnipe

Wednesday, 30 September 2015, 17:18 BFH 13

Luis Gutierrez is among the worst sh!tstains in America. He’s dangerous because of how easy it is for this guy to lie without any remorse. He’s dangerous because he is [Read More]

1. There are no mammograms at Planned Parenthood

Wednesday, 30 September 2015, 13:15 MJA 14

Myths Dispelled During Planned Parenthood Oversight Committee Meeting. EveryJoe: Tuesday’s Planned Parenthood Oversight Committee meeting saw the mega abortion provider’s president, Cecile Richards, sitting in front of congressional members for [Read More]

Russia Begins Bombing in Syria

Wednesday, 30 September 2015, 12:38 Dr. Tar 24

There are reports this morning and possible footage of Russian jets bombing areas controlled by the Islamic State.    The Russians have demanded that American aircraft leave Syrian airspace immediately.  [Read More]

The Hired Gun

Wednesday, 30 September 2015, 11:37 BFH 52

The conservative response to Barack Hussein Obama, a man whose stated mission was to fundamentally transform America, was the Tea Party. The Tea party knew what fundamentally transforming America meant. [Read More]

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