How Trump Picks Questions From the Media
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ht/ illustr8r
It’s been a week now since Scott Walker (WI-R) left the presidential race in a less than heroic fashion (lead by leaving?). This has given the chattering class an opportunity [Read More]
TheLid- Manufacturing has seen better days. Over the last year, New York’s manufacturers posted the largest job losses of any sector here. And a new report from the Federal Reserve Bank [Read More]
Conservative Review: It’s quite interesting to watch the establishment-leaning media as the “Summer of beating down Trump” transitions into what they hope will be the “Fall of Trump.” The cumulative [Read More]
This is the best, most Interesting English Lesson I have had to date. Did you know that “listen” and “silent” use the same letters? Do you know that the words [Read More]
How Hillary Plays Twister —Click More
Breitbart: Sometimes presidential candidate Donald Trump seems to be winging it, but other times he acts with clockwork timing and political precision. The unveiling of his tax plan comes at [Read More]
Big Government: During his “60 Minutes” interview Sunday, Republican presidential front-runner appeared to come out in favor of a form of single payer health insurance for the uninsured (although he [Read More]
Depending on one’s perspective this is either going to be a leap forward for humanity or the deepest darkest horror. Either way the government agency that oversees military research, Defense [Read More]
AT: I need some help figuring George Will out: is he selectively ignorant on immigration, or simply not very smart? It’s a tough question because of Will’s intellectual reputation, but [Read More]
The space agency has evidence that salty water may seasonally flow on Mars. This would mean Mars warms up enough for water to flow downhill and may create an environment that [Read More]
Gingrich: Boehner retired to save allies from primary fight. Gingrich, who was speaker for nearly 4 years, said that he also faced a “minority of the party who were prepared [Read More]
A student asked the teacher what the big deal was over calling the Washington DC team “The Redskins.” The teacher explained that it was a slur. The kid wasn’t convinced, [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.