Take A Stand
– Allen West on the Defend Freedom Tour.
– Allen West on the Defend Freedom Tour.
Planned Parenthood Asks a Question – Who Wins If We Are Defunded? Setting aside the ridiculous myth that PP provides these medical services, and that women can’t get this medical [Read More]
TheNewAmerican- In a move critics called “Orwellian,” a Boston hospital fired a well-respected urologist — merely for citing health concerns relating to homosexuality. And now those critics have taken up [Read More]
Conservationist in New Zealand had to call off a cull of an aggressive species of bird that was meant to protect an endangered bird (that is down to fewer than 300). [Read More]
The solution? Let black people be menaces to society. In their 10 point plan, point 1 is “ending Broken Windows Policy,” which means giving a free pass on “minor offenses” that often [Read More]
BigGovernment: The American Center for Law and Justice is urging President Barack Obama to defend Christians who are suffering intense persecution from Islamic State terrorists, especially by naming an ambassador [Read More]
The New American- …While she may still have friends in the State Department sticking with her, it appears that the list of powerful people willing to help her out of [Read More]
It remains unclear if, during his meeting with officials, Bush will hear the pro-economic version pushed by many in the area which leaves out border security, or if he will [Read More]
SAN DIEGO (AP) — Touting himself as the “The King of Infidelity,” the founder of the adultery site Ashley Madison built his livelihood around the unconventional philosophy that cheating is [Read More]
Breitbart-The Associated Press reports that annual military exercises with South Korea have been halted–indefinitely–due to rising tensions on the DMZ and threats of war from Pyongyang. Is this a concession [Read More]
SooperMexican: The Tednado came out and corrected JEB! Bush’s idiotic statement calling him an “anchor baby.”
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