IOTW Report – Page 7266

Man Shoots Armadillo

Saturday, 1 August 2015, 22:00 Cardigan 21

DALLAS (Reuters) – An East Texas man was wounded after he fired a gun at an armadillo in his yard and the bullet ricocheted back to hit him in his [Read More]


Saturday, 1 August 2015, 20:00 Cardigan 21

FLORENCE, Ariz. (AP) — A jail inmate in Arizona is hospitalized after authorities say he pulled one of his eyeballs out of its socket.  

Dog Fighting Mad

Saturday, 1 August 2015, 17:30 Dr. Tar 7

Lt. Cmdr Timothy White is having charges brought against him for “illegally discharging a firearm on federal property.” So why did the Lt. Cmdr fire his weapon? It was in [Read More]

Mike Huckabee’s Statement On Abortion

Saturday, 1 August 2015, 15:48 BFH 38

Mike Huckabee: As president, I’d consider deploying troops, FBI to stop abortions   !snip! Here’s some math. Since 1973, roughly two generations ago,16 million black babies have been aborted. If [Read More]

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