Power rates may be going up because of polar vortex
Despite global warming, Chicago area consumers will may soon pay more for electricity and heat because of bitter cold weather. -Marathon Pundit.
Despite global warming, Chicago area consumers will may soon pay more for electricity and heat because of bitter cold weather. -Marathon Pundit.
Downtrend- It only took 20 years, but somebody from the left finally called out Bill Clinton for being a womanizing, philandering, sexual predator. In an interview with Salon super-feminist Camille Paglia [Read More]
Goddard The measured US temperature data from USHCN shows that the US is on a long-term cooling trend. But the reported temperatures from NOAA show a strong warming trend. Measured [Read More]
Excerpts of Salon Interview- What do you make of Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens and the religion critics who seem not to have respect for religions for faith? “Sneering [Read More]
Man Arrested in Backpack Bomb Terror Plot. Planned to kill Americans on the beach
BigGovernment- During his testimony on Tuesday before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Secretary of State John Kerry admitted that states may retain their own sanctions against Iran. However, Kerry said, the [Read More]
Breitbart– A promotion is running on The Golf Channel about Speaker of the House appearing on the show “Feherty” on August 3, and Boehner, who has a history of waterworks, gets [Read More]
Newser- Authorities in Waller County, Texas, today took the unusual step of releasing hours of video of Sandra Bland in jail after her arrest. The reason was unusual as well—to [Read More]
Judicial Watch- (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch released 906 pages of newly recovered Lois Lerner emails from the IRS that are believed to recently have been recovered by the IRS’ [Read More]
“We’ve noticed quite a lot of attention has been diverted to a supposedly malicious organization known as Planned Parenthood. The actions of this ‘federation’ are not seen as right in [Read More]
more here– Dispatcher tells 911 caller, ‘deal with it yourself’
Trump: I Would LOVE Sarah Palin in My Cabinet, “She’s a Special Person.” Update: Trey Gowdy as Attorney General. "@USARestoring: @HillaryClinton's toast. Dems had better get the"B Team" off the [Read More]
She posts a bikini pic on social media.
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