Muslim-Free Zones
Not sure this is legal, but I like the way he thinks. Florida Gun Shop Owner Declares Store a Muslim-Free Zone, States He ‘Will Not Arm’ or ‘Train’ those Seeking [Read More]
Not sure this is legal, but I like the way he thinks. Florida Gun Shop Owner Declares Store a Muslim-Free Zone, States He ‘Will Not Arm’ or ‘Train’ those Seeking [Read More]
Blur-Brain: Gaming the immigration system… BostonHerald: Deportation orders failed to oust two illegal immigrants who are now up on drug charges and under investigation in the July 4 shooting death [Read More]
I like the first 2 insults, but then he goes too far. And then it gets weird. HT/ Illustr8r
Breitbart- Trump is establishing a hotline and email address for veterans to share their stories on how the Veterans Administration should be reformed. He pledges that if elected president he [Read More]
According to the Boston Globe, the full ad read: Looking for an outgoing, fun, energetic, cute office assistant. Ideal candidate would have some college training or a college degree and [Read More]
Death of the Family – True Stories of the Charlatans Who Deceived the World and Broke the Backbone of Our Society. This book explains how and why the family unit was [Read More]
Look at this pretty woman. Who is she, and what has leftism done to her? SEE HERE ht/ reddecaesari
Mary Gatter, the latest Planned Parenthood ghoul caught on tape selling pieces of murdered babies.
At what point does Trump cross the line? I don’t think we’re at that point, but what if I told you the entire point is to cross the line. Maybe [Read More]
@BattleDaily With all do respect, ma’am, you should have raised your son to like taking a man’s junk in his chocolate starfish. Then Obongo would have called. Video of mother [Read More]
In an attempt to embarrass Governor Scott Walker (WI-R) while on the stump in Iowa, Voces de la Frontera shipped in a family of illegals to demand that he not [Read More]
Blames parents for not teaching her budgeting! EAGnews: ATLANTA – An Atlanta college student is inciting the rage of parents across the country after she called in to a local [Read More]
“We Swear We Will Kill You. After Your Soldiers it will Be Your Turn” Warning: Extremely graphic images
MTC– After several troubling court decisions on the handling of college sex cases, a state judge in California has issued a ringing defense of due process. The ruling by Judge [Read More]
‘Did What He Had To Do’ “People are just sick of people running them up,” said Turner Co. Sheriff Andy Hester. “And robbing, and stealing, and pillaging, and people are [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.